Saturday, November 8: OWL Shift

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Revision as of 12:08, 7 November 2014 by Gaskelld (Talk | contribs)

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  • General considerations
    • We do not yet have an RC phone. Dave Gaskell is the current Run Coordinator. Please contact me directly via the JLab paging utility: [1]
    • Follow the generic Instruction for shift takers
    • In general, technical staff should not be contacted by the shift crew - please call the RC first.
  • Instructions for this shift
    • MCC will be working on setting up beam to Hall A. Wait until their work is complete and they tell you they are ready to hand over beam to the hall.
    • First tasks with beam will be checking out the beamline elements (BPMs, raster, etc).
      • Ask MCC to center the beam as best they can using Hall A dump ion chambers.
      • Follow steps 1-3 of the "Beamline" run plan here.