Instructions for shift takers

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Revision as of 12:55, 8 November 2014 by Wdconinc (Talk | contribs) (Responsibilities)

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Before the start of your shift:


Shift Leader

  • Communicate clearly and effectively with shift crews and MCC, and log any status information to the HALOG
  • Maintain data taking quality and an efficient use of beam time.
  • Follow the directives in the COO
  • Log the following in a shift summary in the HALOG:
    • run list (describing the goal of this run: eg production on LH2, BMC calibration...) and report main statistics numbers
    • any major events, including accesses

Target Operator

  • Watch the target, see Target Info
  • Assist the shift leader and third person with their duties

Third person

  • Start and stop the DAQ.
  • Online replay of all production runs, as described in the online data analysis instructions:
    • godvcs
    • analyzer
    • .x online.C+("detectorL", NNNN);
    • .x online.C+("calo", NNNN);
    • .x online.C+("physics", NNNN);
  • Compare replay histograms with the sample ones and report to shift leader any unexplained differences. Halog them.
  • The shift leader or TO can help.