SoLID Weekly : Monday, April 18, 2016 9:30am EDT

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Link to the Meeting page Meeting solid
Last meeting: SoLID Weekly : Monday, April 11, 2016 9:30am EDT

The teleconference info is as follows:
       Phone #: +1-888-240-2560 or +1-408-740-7256 and See International Numbers
       Code: 	8540081197
       Computer : blujeans-browser
       Date and Location: Weekly Monday at 9:30AM in CEBAF center F226 (announcement in solid emaillist) 


Paul, Zhihong, Alex, Rakitha, Rich, Zhiwen, JP


  • Detailed plan for two years
  • High energy physics group at Argonne lab would like to join the SoLID collaboration
    • for LAPPD, R&D detector
    • Funding request for such collaboration meeds to be well planned
