PREX/CREX Readiness

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PREX/CREX readiness checks for the Moller polarimeter.
Task Personnel Assigned Status Expected complete date Note Documentation link
Hardware readiness (Oversight: Simona Malace)
Survey Simona Malace Incomplete - - -
Target magnet installation Simona Malace Incomplete - - -
Target magnet alignment plan and test Simona Malace Incomplete - - -
Target foil installation Simona Malace Incomplete - - -
Target ladder installation Simona Malace Incomplete - - -
Target motion test Bill Henry Incomplete will do at time of survey Measured precision/repeatability -
Magnet cooldown test Simona Malace Incomplete - - -
Documentation/Expertise Development (Oversight: Simona Malace)
How to take a run Bill Henry/ Cameron Clarke In progress November - wiki
How to analyze a run Bill Henry/ Cameron Clarke Complete November - [ wiki]
How to determine dead time Bill Henry/ Cameron Clarke Incomplete - - wiki
How to adjust thresholds Bill Henry/ Cameron Clarke In Progress Start Dec. 2 - wiki
How to determine/adjust quad/dip current Bill Henry/ Cameron Clarke Incomplete MCC has control of this. To open gun follow link - -
How to adjust HV levels Bill Henry/ Cameron Clarke In Progress - - wiki
How to turn on SC target magnet Bill Henry/ Cameron Clarke Incomplete - - wiki
How to move/rotate/align target Bill Henry Incomplete December Software under development wiki
Interpreting analyzer output Bill Henry/ Cameron Clarke Incomplete - - -
Simulation/Software Development (Oversight: Sanghwa Park)
Optics solutions for 2.22 and 0.95 GeV Bill Henry, Eric King, Sanghwa Park, Don Jones Incomplete - Geant3 solutions available -
Commissioning run plan development (Oversight: Don Jones)
SC magnet alignment plan Simona Malace Incomplete - - -
Target alignment/rotation Don Jones Incomplete - - -
Target heating Don Jones Incomplete - - -
Target centering Don Jones Incomplete - - -
Target saturation Don Jones Incomplete - - -
Quad scans Don Jones Incomplete - - -
Deadtime verification Simona Malace Incomplete - - -
Set thresholds and HV levels Simona Malace Incomplete - - -
Levchuk verification Don Jones Incomplete - - -
Sensitivity to beam parameters Don Jones Incomplete - - -
Target holding field reversal Don Jones Incomplete - - -