Meeting 2022 09 14

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Revision as of 10:31, 14 September 2022 by Jeffas (Talk | contribs) (Update on BB GEMs)

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GMn GEM commissioning Meetings: WEDNESDAY 10:30am - 11:30am

Link to all previous meetings: GMn GEM Commissioning Meeting

Please use sbs_gems mailing list for plots/communications and HALOG entries relevant to GEMs!

Near term work plan

  • Bigbite
  • SBS
  • SBS DAQ integration to GEn-II
  • Online monitoring and SBS-offline preparation for GEn-II
  • Documentation update
  • CAEN HV Module paper work

  • see the GEM commissioning run plan for GEn-II here: [1]

Update on INFN GEM layers for GEn-RP

  • Ran up a new divider on the front layer GEM of the inline stack. Verified temperature and V/I consistent with divider run-up with no GEM.
  • Currently in Hall. Plan to install new dividers on upstream-most layer while we can easily access. Will need sliding platform to remove the layer to install the new dividers on the second layer.

Update on UVa GEM layers for GEn-RP


  • All layers/modules of SBS stack are operational and taking data.
  • Further latency adjustments improved hits and efficiencies

Update on BB GEMs

  • Cosmic data taken this week and GEMs remain stable.
  • Ben investigating 3 ADC difference in CM calculation in the firmware.

DAQ updates (Ben, Bryan, Alex)