Halls A and C Spectrometer Support Group Whiteboard

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Revision as of 15:11, 4 October 2023 by Ebecker (Talk | contribs) (Gas systems)

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Priority Items

SE-II search

Check HMS NMR connection

HMS drift chamber low voltage supply replacements

Moller maintenance OSP

SBS corrector OSP?

Sieve slit controllers OSP


Guards on HMS dipole leads

Oscillator for LN2 level meter

BigBite Argon manifold pressure sensor erratic. Need to clean the connections?

Some of the SBS magnet bus bars have been running hot. Do we need to re-torque them?

Readout for LCW pressure sensors added at end of beamline walkway (not started)


Pump-out (CVI) replacement (Lars)

Remove actuators from right arm magnets (Hall A). (Dipole/Q3 complete)

Build local valve control boxes with local read out.

op check/repair hall C vacuum gauges (in progress - Lars)

Troubleshoot HMS Q1 LN2 temp sensors.

Check HMS Quad magnet leads for leaks/repair.

Troubleshoot HMS Dipole LN2 siphon temp.

Extend HMS Q1 warm return control wires and re-terminate/calibrate.

Check all JT actuators, ensure belt is functional and in the correct orientation.

Insulate HMS N2 4k shield (stinger) return line.

Insulate SHMS Warm return line across pivot.

Repair calibrate warm return valve spares.

Repair calibrate JT valve spares.

Troubleshoot HMS Quad Vac gauges.

Move the SHMS lead flow controllers and coordinate with the Cryo group (need engineering support).

SHMS Lead flow, - add upstream valves to isolate each lead flow, for easier replacement of valve/flow meter. (install when meters are moved to new location)

Update code for the new temperature sensor installed on the HX N2 vent on the HMS.

Move temps from Honeywell to PLC controls. (if channels are available)

Add "T's" and pump out ports to HMS magnet vacuum gauge ports.

Warm up SHMS Dipole.

De-sting SHMS 4k He supply transfer line.

Repair SHMS 4k supply transfer line ball valve assembly.

Re-sting SHMS 4k transfer line.

Cool SHMS Dipole, Q3, Q2, Q1.

After HB magnet electronics controls installation complete, cool HB Magnet.

Warm HMS Dipole (to 300k for lead repair)

Repair lead leak on HMS Dipole leads.

Cool HMS Dipole.


Capacitor discharge stick

Isolating power switches on HMS power supplies

Specifications for power supplies for HKS (coordinate with Sarin)

Get Unser repaired

Hall A Compton photon detector table motion (somebody cut the cables)

GEM low voltage distribution


Make HMS dipole NMR lock better

Hall probes/NMR (?) for HKS

Gas systems

Hall C gas shed pi rebuild

Do We Still Need To Do These?

Possible Future Items