Run Plan

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Revision as of 01:33, 6 April 2010 by Igorko (Talk | contribs) (Calibration)

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  • Tune beam to 1 pass, Set HRSL(-) and HRSR(-) at 15 (-15) deg.

  • HRSs calibration with C(e,e') (elastic) with/ without sleeves.

  • Move HRS(R) to 12.5 deg change polarity to HRSR(+), Set BigBite at 68 Deg.

  • Momentum scane for BigBite calibration, H(e,e'p) Kin A 1,2,3.

  • Energy change 1 pass to 2 pass.

  • Continue calibration of BigBite H(e,e'p), D(e,e'p) and C(e,e'p) Kin A 4,5, B 1,2 and C1
  • Move BigBite to backward angle (should allow HRSR at ~70 deg)

  • Put the Neutron array (without the lead wall) at 50 Deg and 15 meters from target. Calibration of the HAND with H(e,e'p) Kin D1.

  • Continue calibration of HRSs with quasi elastic scattering C(e,e'p) Kin G 1,2.

  • Put the BigBite at 99 Deg (magnet on detector off) and HAND behind and install lead wall. Switch the polarity of HRSs to HRSL(+) and HRSR(-).

  • HAND neutron efficiency calibration.Kin E 1,2.

  • Tune beam to 4 pass, switch HRSs polarity to HRSL(-) and HRSR(+).

  • Singles rates study

End of Calibration
