Setup as installed

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Bellow is the setup we have decided on.


- 15cm LH2 loop
- 15cm LD2 loop
- 15cm spare loop

Solid ladder:
- 15cm dummy
- C: 1mm foil
- Optics: Multi (7) 1mm C foils
- BeO
- Cross hair
- Empty

Left HRS

- S0
- S1
- S2
- Short Cerenkov
- Pion rejector


Blocks: The beam is at right hand when you stand at the back of the calorimeter facing the target.

DVCS Calo blocks.jpg

DVCS Calo blocks.jpg

Lumi readout

[Lumi readout by K. Allada]



[[Magali Magne has installed proposition 2 of the following document ]]