Solid Magnet

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Revision as of 16:22, 2 March 2011 by Reimer (Talk | contribs)

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Integral to the SoLID spectrometer design is a large solenoid. Several existing solenoids are under consideration by the collaboration. These include the magnets from Babar, Cleo, CDF and ZEUS

Cryostat Inner Radius 150 cm 150 cm 150 cm 86 cm
Length 345 cm 350 cm 500 cm 245 cm
Central Field 1.49 T 1.5 T 1.47 T 1.8 T
Compact Flux Return Yes Yes No No
Current density variation Yes  ?? No 25% more current at ends
Magnet Map Update Date 7 Feb 2011 4 Feb 2011 4 Feb 2011
Poisson input deck
Poisson SF7 output on 1 cm grid BABARv3.sf7 CDFv3.sf7 ZEUSv1.sf7
PDVIS target Location z=0 z=+50 z=0
Notes: (1) the center of the magnet is taken as the orgin. The target offset for the CDF magnet makes up for the fact that the magnet is longer than the Babar magnet. (2) The upstream pole pieces of the CDF and ZEUS magnets can be angles for SIDIS acceptance needs
Excel File to help make poisson input magnets.xlsx

talk and note

SoLID Magnet Options (and unstudied calorimeter thoughts)(Paul Reimer)

How to produce the filed map

It's a windows program and need installation, it can run with wine in linux or winXP, but not win7
see manuals for detailed help, especially for the postprocessor program SF7.EXE
  • produce mesh by AUTOMESH.EXE with input from a ".am" file, output file will be ".T35" with only geometry and material
  • then run POISSON.EXE with the ".T35" file which will be added with field.
  • use WSFPLOT.EXE to view the ".T35" file
  • then run SF7.EXE on the ".T35" file, do the field extrapolation for a line, arc or grid, the result is in a txt file "OUTSF7.TXT"
  • a ".TBL" filed file may be produced also which can be directly viewed by TABLPLOT.EXE

Field map input files

all files are at svn "database_io/halla12/solid/field/"

  • "" BaBar_magnet from_Eugene with center of solenoid at 600cm
  • "" BaBar magnet files created by Zhiwen, based on Eugene's file but moved to the center of solenoid to origin
  • "" BaBar magnet by Paul
  • "" CDF magnet by Paul
  • "" ZUES magnet by Paul

Field map output files

located at Solid website

  • sf7 files are direct output from possion program
  • dat files are conversion from sf7 to GEMC format

refer to Magnetic_Field_Map

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