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Revision as of 10:28, 12 April 2011 by Yez (Talk | contribs)

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  • Cable/HRS motion: add cable length and re-route the needed cables. Disconnect the others ?
  • Left cerenkov overflow: move ADC from ROC 3 to ROC 4. Could we split the signal between the existing ADC in ROC 3 and the ADC in ROC 4 ?
Note(Zhihong): we are actually going to add a ADC card into ROC4 since there is a spare one in ROC3 Slot21, which is not included in the CRL code. We can simply take it out
and put it in ROC4, then move the Cereenkov cable to this card. So ROC3 will remain the same condition. 
  • Deadtime:
               - remove the sequencer reading of BB and only read the main trigger module.
               - or set hight threshold on unused channels.
  • Right arm Shower block 76 missing signal: check that it is at the bottom of the acceptance if cannot be fixed.
  • Right arm S1: one channel is noisy.
Note(Zhihong): S1#2L has a noisy pedestal peak and I believe it could be because of a grounding issue with its connectors at patch panel. If there is another empty channel, we can 
move this ADC cable to that, or just leave it as it if we can not fix it easily. 
              - multi-peak in the TDCs: gate width problem ?
              - no obvious single photon electron peak in ADCs: increase HV. New HVs 
Note(Zhihong): The gate width of all ADCs is set to be 270ns and the ADC signals of Cerenkove counters are amplified by 10 times through an Amplifier. Through a scope, I can not
see reflection of TDC signals but many noise peaks are above threshold(-30mV). The reason of multi-peaks might be because those noise signals are triggered with real signals and 
the 1775 multihits TDC treats the noise peaks as different hits but from the same events, hence we can not remove it by applying cunt on triggers and ADCs. I will do more study 
on it but since we do not need TDC of Cerenkov for offline analysis, we may can leave it with that if we can not solve it.
  • Right Q3: run Q3 at momentum ?% lower for each momentum setting.
Note(Zhihong): I don't have much knowledge on spectrometers but I believe if we have good optics data with the setting, we can recover this offset back with a realistic optics 