Thursday, November 17, 4:00pm ETD

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Revision as of 17:38, 16 November 2011 by Crowder (Talk | contribs) (Agenda)

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  • Updates to mollersim geometry (Juliette)
    • Added the hybrid coil
    • Need to investigate effect of "necessary gaps"
    • Need to properly code the collimators in the hybrid region

  • Investigations of generators
    • Add detectors right after target and right after "acceptance" collimator
    • triple-check the current generator and compare result without energy loss to theory
    • compare to "GEANT4" generator results (let it run a long time)
    • use GEANT4 to get the pre-vertex energy loss (track backwards)
    • add MS code and compare to the GEANT4 generated energy loss
  • Investigation of the physics lists
    • can use the "standard" physics lists - at least to compare
    • haven't truly double-checked, but have fixed issues with changing GEANT versions

  • Collimator/field configuration comparison update (Sereres)


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