Thermal Equilibrium Measurement Procedure

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Revision as of 19:14, 28 February 2012 by Jmaxwell (Talk | contribs)

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This procedure was created for GEN, and must be updated to reflect changes in the target for g2p.

TO aid in the TE calculation, use the "" script in the g2p_te folder on poltarg2p2.

Changes for g2p: Set the run valve to a reasonable value, close to the setpoint chosen by the PID. 65% to 90% is a bit too much for this fridge.


To aid in the TE calculation, use the "" script in the g2p_te folder on poltarg2p2. This script reads the last 'x' data entries before unixtime 'y' (default is current time). It produces a datafile for these points and asks if you'd like to use them in a TE measurement. Then it performs the TE calculation and returns the results.


  • NMR System is tuned
  • Magnet is at full field, persistent mode, leads are ramped down
  • Nose is full, run valve in manual mode

Prepare Fridge:

  • Stop RB3, RB2, and RB1 (wait 2 mintues between each), if necessary
  • Put Run Valve, EV91120, in Manual Mode
  • Establish a STEADY Nose level somewhere between 65% and 90%
  • Only make slight changes to Run Valve for rest of TE (+/- 0.05 each 10 min)

Take a Baseline:

  • Hit "Unlock Magnet Controls" button
  • Type the full-field current in the box labeled "Setpoint" (eg: 77.085)
  • Type 0.50 into "Setrate" box, if necessary
  • Hit "To Setpoint" Button
  • Wait for leads to reach full current (approx 1 min)
  • Hit "Hold"
  • Check that leads current and magnet current are equal
  • Hit "Heater On" button
  • Wait for the 30 second timeout to expire
  • Type the baseline current into the "Setpoint" box (eg: 74.600)
  • Hit "To Setpoint" to start the magnet sweeping
  • Wait for magnet to reach baseline current (approx 6 min)
  • Hit "Hold" button
  • Put NMR into pause mode if necessary
  • Hit the Baseline button
  • Select "Create New Baseline", dialog box should then disappear
  • Change sweeps to 5000 if necessary
  • Double check that all NMR settings are where you want them
  • Hit "One Point" button to take a single nmr measurement
  • Wait for timer to count down
  • Hit Baseline button
  • Select the baseline you just took from the list of timestamps
  • Document the details of the baseline in the logbook:
    • Date Time, #Sweeps, MagCurrent, Top/Bottom, Gain, RFFreq, RFMod
  • Type full-field current into "Setpoint" box (eg: 77.085)
  • Type 0.50 into "Setrate" box, if necessary
  • Hit "To Setpoint" button
  • Wait for magnet to reach full current (approx 6 min)
  • Hit "Hold" button
  • Hit "Heater Off" button
  • Wait for 30 second timeout to expire
  • Hit "To Zero" to ramp the leads down
  • Hit "Lock Magnet Controls" button

Take TE measurements:

  • Make sure ladder is in desired target position
  • Make sure NMR is on desired channel (AND in agreement with target position!)
  • Set sweeps to 5000, if necessary
  • Hit "Take Data" button
  • Wait for timer to count down
  • Write the following in the logbook for the next 10 measurements:
    • Time, NMR Area, 4He Press, 4He Temp, 3He Press, 3He Temp, Nose Level