Polhe3 analysis code

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Revision as of 10:48, 16 July 2012 by Zwzhao (Talk | contribs)

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The source codes are stored in SVN, to learn some basic about the version control system, refer to Subversion help and google more.

To checkout, do this in linux with your jlab user name and password

svn co https://jlabsvn.jlab.org/svnroot/polhe3/

describe what the code does here

  • hsfu.cc, Chunhua NMR field sweep fitting
  • NMR.C Zhiwen's NMR field sweep fitting
  • spinup.C Jie's spinup code using analytic function to fit

Jin Huang's matlab code

"For the Transversity offline code, I have a set of Matlab code to do NMR, EPR analysis, and polarization dynamic calculation under the two-cell model for a global fitting of the polarization gradient. The code is in the attachment and the principals are described in my thesis. Let me know if some new guy wants to learn Matlab."

at http://hallaweb.jlab.org/equipment/targets/polhe3/lab/analysis_code/
