MOLLER Simulations

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GEANT4 Simulations



Simulation Teleconferences

The Simulation group is led by Seamus Riordan, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. The group meets regularly to discuss the progress of the MOLLER simulations.


  • Optical Photons
    • Responses in quartz and lightguides with realistic materials/QEs
  • Hunt down missing Mollers in G4 moller scattering
  • Inelastic deconvolution between rings
  • Pion detection/asymmetry


  • Internal radiative corrections to Moller cross section
  • Beam depolarization
  • Incorporate Hyperons from Konrad
  • Inelastic asymmetries from resonances in Christy/Bosted framework
  • Smaller projects
    • Encode generators to output
    • Turn on/off detectors with macros
    • Turn off secondary tracking in macros
    • GetAtomsVector bug in remollBeamTarget
  • Sorting tracks by volume interactions
  • grep FIXME in source for general issues

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