Tuesday, November 18: SWING Shift

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Revision as of 18:34, 18 November 2014 by Vasulk (Talk | contribs)

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  • General considerations
    • Vincent Sulkosky is the current Run Coordinator. Please contact me directly via RC phone 757-876-1787
    • Follow the generic Instructions for shift takers
    • Shift leaders: Please make sure to fill out the beam time accounting form and write a "Shift Summary" log entry at the end of your shift regardless if there is beam or not.
    • In general, technical staff should not be contacted by the shift crew - please call the RC first.
  • Instructions for this shift
    • The target operator is required to supervise the cryo-target.
    • Kinematics, DVCS Kin1: Ebeam = 7.3 GeV, PLHRS=1.1981 GeV, Theta_HRS=22.83, Theta_calo=12.35
    • Make sure to use the DVCS configuration for all runs.
    • Due to continued beam trips at 1C12 and the required work needed to fix the beam issues, Hall A will not receive CW the rest of today, though tune beam will be available for use.
    • Swing shift will begin in Controlled Access. Once work on the left HRS dipole controls is completed or Jack Segal is done for today, Hall A will go back to beam permit.