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Revision as of 10:46, 24 February 2015 by Cohen (Talk | contribs) (Running online analysis)

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Software Environment structure

  • The replay codes are stored on one of the aonl machines under a-onl account
  • The directory containing the software codes
  • Environment variables and aliases are set in

Getting the raw data files from the repository

  • data (raw files) is written to tapes and stored in the Mass Storage tape Silo (MSS) which for gmp is in /mss/halla/gmp12/raw/
  • to draw a data file from the repo, login to the farm
 ssh username@ifarm

and then ask for the file

 jcache submit default /mss/halla/gmp12/raw/gmp_20314.dat.0 
 > Your request is submitted. Use id '4678425' to check the status

this procedure may take a few minutes

  • raw files will be now stored for several days in /cache/mss/halla/gmp12/raw/

Running online analysis

(Last update 02/24/15)

  • The files replay procedure (raw files cooking) is directed to acquire the files from /cache/mss/halla/gmp12/raw/
  • Login as a-onl on one of the analysis machines (aonl1, aonl2 or aonl3) e.g.
 ssh a-onl@aonl1
  • passwords are written on the white board in the counting house
  • to go to the online analysis directory type

this will take you to the replay directory (/adaqfs/home/a-onl/gmp/He3H3/replay) and set the database properly.

How To replay a run

  • For LHRS, at the terminal, type
  • at the prompt, type
 .x replay_L.C(run_number)   (provide run_number you want to replay, for left arm it is < 20000)
  • answer any questions, if needed
  • exit analyzer
  • For RHRS, at the terminal, use
 .x replay_R.C(run_number)   (for right arm it is >= 20000)

A cooked file (replayed) will now appear in /adaqfs/home/a-onl/gmp/He3H3/replay

How to look at the online histograms?

  • For LHRS, at the terminal, do
 onlineLHRS #run_number#
  • For RHRS
 onlineRHRS #run_number#

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