Target Slow Control

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Target Slow Control Component

Target slow control consists of two EPICS IOCs located in Hall and the new target lab, as shown in the target system diagram

Hall IOC

The IOC in the Hall is behind the Green Wall. It has

  • 2 Holding field current meter, Fluke45, GPIB, Read current only;
  • 1 Oven temperature control, Omega CN77544-C2, serial, Read temperature and set temperature alarm point;
  • 1 Heater air flow meter, DP41, serial, Read airflow and set airflow alarm limit;
  • 1 Heater temperature read, DP41, serial, Read temperature and set temperature alarm limit;
  • 1 Target ladder stepping motor, NF90, serial, Ladder movement control;
  • 10 oven temperature sensors, 4 wire RTD, wire, Read temperature only;
  • 2 Spin Status Signals, NIM Logic, 50 Ohm coaxial (1 stand for spin along holding field direction; another for anti-parallel), Read status only;

New Target Lab IOC

New target lab is located back to the counting house. The IOC is mainly for the control of the lasers

  • 6 Single FAP lasers, Coherent, serial, (read: temperature, laser power), (control: temperature, laser power)
  • 3 Duo FAP lasers, Coherent, serial, (read: temperature, laser power), (control: temperature, laser power)
  • 3 COMET lasers, Newport 5600-65, serial, (read: temperature, laser power), (control: temperature, laser power)