BigBite Spectrometer

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Revision as of 11:41, 30 September 2008 by (Talk) (Shower/Preshower Detectors)

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BigBite dipole magnet

Electron Package

Electron package layout drawings

Drift Chambers

Gas Cherenkov Detector


Shower/Preshower Detectors


Position Survey

Sept 18. 2008

Notice: Terminology used in this section follows conventions of Hall A Tech Notes JLAB-TN-02-012:

BigBite Chamber center position are surveyed with laser markers and a hand held laser meter. Error could be between 1mm to 5mm.

  • Center of 1st Chamber Outer Aluminum Plate in BigBite Target Coordinate System:
    • X= -0.072m
    • Y= unknown
    • Z=2.862m
  • Bigbite Magnetic in BigBite Target Coordinate System:
    • Front Shielding Plate @Z=1.590m
    • At Beam Height, Edge of Bigbite Coil at Detector Side @Z=2.46m