Thursday, July 28, 2016, 10:00am EDT - Compton

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Revision as of 09:04, 28 July 2016 by Gaskelld (Talk | contribs)

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1. Dial Toll-Free Number: 1-888-240-2560 (U.S. & Canada)
2. International participants dial:
Toll Number: 1-408-740-7256
3. Enter meeting ID:140287970

Desktop sharing: 


Meeting room=F228 in Cebaf Center


  • "compton-old" will be shut down at the end of August - need to get everything moved to "compton"
  • Simulation: unified GEANT4-based Monte Carlo update


  • Replacement power supply should have shipped June 24 - still has not shipped (no estimate yet)
  • Joe Beaufait looked at dead power supply - bad 5V supply: replacement 5 V supply in hand
  • Seed laser dead (not power supply) - we can swap in spare (higher power) head
  • Improved/updated laser interlock system has been installed - need to certify

Photon Detector

  • Updates on photon detector analysis
  • Brian's calculations of synchrotron radiation [1]

Electron detector

  • Detector in Hall
    • FSD and "photon stopper" valve: need to test masking
    • VETROC modules ordered
  • QWAD tests: JLab (Hoskins/Camsonne)
  • QWAD tests: Manitoba
