MOLLER Pion Background Meeting Wednesday, November 30, 2016 3:00pm EST

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MOLLER wiki home:MOLLER_at_11_GeV_E09-005

Previous Meeting: MOLLER_Pion_Background_Meeting_Wednesday,_November_16,_2016_3:00pm_EST

Meeting Information

BlueJeans Call Information


Phone Number: 1-888-240-2560

Meeting ID: 624029893


  • Wouter: Detector concept in simulation
  • Scott: Implementation of lead wall and strawman pion detector.
    • Separate pion development branch
    • Initial detector prototype.
  • Jacob: Starting to work on pion simulations.
  • David: present detector concept.
  • Any new business?


Attendees: Kurtis, Wouter, KK, Scott, Jacob, Mark P., David,

Not Attending:

Scribe: Kurtis

  • Wouter passed on his STL version of the initial pion detector geometry to KK for implementation in to the master cad file. Seems like some items might have to be reproduced into order to port it to the master cad.
    • Wouter some problems with the initial implementation into GDML. There are some overlap problems causing events to be killed or aborted. Effectively only allows optical photos to be generated in the initial Lucite volume. We don't see optical photos in the rest of the Lucite volume. Currently being investigated.
    • Has now merged his initial geometry into Scott's first version on the remoll pion branch.
    • David: For Scott's test, a simple "washer" type geometry should be enough. Segmented version should be used for future optimization.
    • David: Allows for answering radial acceptance questions.
    • Scott: Where is the simple disk detector located? Wouter: About 5mm past the lead wall. Will turn segmented simple disk detector into a continue disk.
    • Wouter: GEM placement in GDML now differs slightly from the CAD image. David: Need to change placement so that they are 180 degrees.
    • Wouter: Probably shouldn't keep updating CAD model to keep in line with the latest GDML version.
    • KK: Should keep it up to date so that JLab engineering team could have a good starting point, will help answer how much room in Z we have in the hall.
  • Scott:Working on varying lead wall thickness.
  • David:Need to speak with UVA regarding different size of GEMs required for the pion detector subsystem. Might not need same pitch resolution. What is the physical dimensions for these chambers and thus the price?
  • KK:Should make contact early next week to speak about tracking section.
  • KK:Also need to finish costing review by this week. Costing review really needs to be better itemized.
  • Wouter: Wouter's CAD model