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How to taking Data

1.Start Coda

  • How to run DAQ
    • From a terminal login as "adaq2" machine (do "ssh adaq@adaq2" without the quotes)
    • Password is available on the white board
    • After login to adaq2, type "startcoda" to bring up the runcontrol GUI
    • The default configuration is "coincidence", if it is not loaded you can choose it from the menu "configurations->Cool", select "coincidence"
    • Click "Platform->connect"
    • Click on "Download" button
    • Click on "Start (>>)" button, and acknowledge "start-of-run" pop-up window
    • To end a run click on "End" button

When starting coda (startcoda command), the DVCS rocs should open automatically, but if not you can try to issue a "dvcsrocs".

Ar(ee'p) DAQ