Wednesday November 1, 2017 3:00pm ET

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Last meeting: Wednesday October 18, 2017 2:00pm ET


  • Preparation for MOLLER tracking meeting - status
    • Radiation dose estimates/material irradiation summary
    • Upstream sensitivity studies summary
    • Beamline fringe field effects
    • MIT activities
      • impact of environmental variations
      • floor loading
  • Test coil status/homework
    • Objectives
    • Test plan
    • Schedule
  • Next meeting


Attended: Juliette, Seamus, Cameron, Jim, Ernie, KK

  • Preparation for MOLLER tracking meeting - status
    • Need to go back to reviewers and ask what they meant, if we need to
    • create a timeline for next 6 months
    • Radiation dose estimates/material irradiation summary
      • have located some "hot spots"
      • need to convert to doses
      • compare to radiation hardness for various materials (epoxy, insulating tape)
      • quantify known materials, is it good enough for MOLLER
    • Upstream sensitivity studies summary
    • Beamline fringe field effects
    • MIT activities
      • impact of environmental variations
        • expanding and contracting uniformly (that's how water system is being designed)
        • heat load on hot day - just run hotter
        • we need to cool our water anyway - our refrigerator design
      • floor loading - probably not a concern (each component less than what crane can list)
  • Test coil status/homework
    • Objectives
    • Test plan
    • Schedule
  • Next meeting