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Revision as of 15:03, 26 July 2018 by Reynier (Talk | contribs) (Current (optimized) matrices)

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The following are the matrices that we used during the online analysis of the experiment:

[HERE] [1]

[HERE] [2]

The following is the LHRS matrix optimized by GMp

[HERE] [3]

The following is an optimization that Shujie did on the GMp LHRS matrix [3] using the standard procedure for optimizing the angles and the sieve runs taken during MARATHON

[HERE] [4]

The following is the RHRS matrix optimized by GMp

[HERE] [5]

Current (optimized) matrices


Replace in matrix [4] the line:

D 1 0 0 -6.863500E-02 2.633700E-01 1.096600E-02 -7.253300E-02


D 1 0 0 4.932426E-03 2.633700E-01 1.096600E-02 -7.253300E-02

This is the coefficient that relates delta with theta (xptar) fp linearly. We did this to get rid of a slope we saw in Emiss vs. xptar.

[6] current LHRS matrix


[7] current RHRS matrix