Shift Checks

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At least one per shift, check the


Go on the New HallA Tools, "EDM (HLAMain) (the old works also fine), click on RICH Detector then check:

* Radiator Pressure ~ 10 V, 
* Power Supplies ~ 3.8 V (both polarities: A nearly 3.76 V, B nearly 3.93 V), 

then click on the CAEN buttom;

the Crate 1 window pop up, click on Modules and then again on the next window Crate #1 click on Modules of Module 2 (the only active module, then you can check and modify HV).

Channel 16 and Channel 17 are the only channels connected to the detector.

They have to be on:

* Status "Normal", 
* HVon have to be "ON"
* the voltage "Vmon" has to correspond to the voltage "Vset" 
  i. nominally between 2200 and 2300 for Channel 16
  i. between 200 and 400 on Channel 17. 

If not, click on the Module 2 Controls Screen button, on the bottom of the panel, and click on HVon ON, then the HV should raise up very slowly, 5 V/s.

If a trip occurred, the Status of the channel will be Trip, after turning on the HV go back to the first Crate 1 window and click on Clear All Alarm.

Then the status should change into Up and eventually into Normal.

In case of repetitive trips, keep HV OFF during configuration changes of BigBite.

If the RICH is continuing tripping, keep HV off and call one of the RICH experts,

Do not try to keep HV on more than twice consecutively.

Back to the Left RICH page.