SoLID Weekly : Monday, May.20, 2019 9:30am EDT

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  • Discussion on SoLID cost estimation according to WBS (Work Breakdown


  • Sub-system updates


  • JP: Thia, Do you want to give a summary
  • Thia: I received LGC cost estimation. I think at this the point, the break down level makes sense for me, everything looks pretty good. However for a 5-year duration project, maybe it is worth to put the installation in the estimation.
  • Alexandre: Does this 5-year duration include 2-year preR&D and 3-year project?
  • JP: preR&D is not included in this duration.
  • JP: If the sub-system hasn't sent me the revised version, please sent it to me as soon as possible.
  • Thia: What's the timeline for the estimation?
  • JP: We try to put everything together this week.
  • JP:The subsystem of SoLID is independent, so you can buy and certain things in the subsystem individually.
  • Thia: JP are going to setup a space to upload the SoLID budget estimation. There are many way to do that, which is based on the collaboration. i.e. DocDB. So in this way, the review committee could find the material by themselves.
  • JP: We will do that, and it is a good suggestion.
  • JP: I hope everyone could send me the revised version by today.
  • Alexandre: I would like to help JP to set put a place for the editions, i.e, overleaf.
  • Haiyan: The overleaf is pretty good, but when the people make any change and they should let you know and you could make a record.


Alexandre, JP, Thia, Haiyan, Paul, Nilanga, Seamus, Meziani, Michael, Robin, Whit, Xiaochao, Stephen, Jinglong, Ye, Junqi, Rich, Tianbo, and Zhiwen