SBS DAQ: GEM EEL124 Cleanroom setup

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CODA scripts

These scripts are located in


Frontend scripts to use


  • executes each CODA component (platform, rcgui, PEB, all ROCs) in a separate xterm


  • kills and restarts the PEB and ROCs. The xterms are not killed with this script.


  • kills all CODA components

Backend scripts, called by the frontend scripts


  • script that restarts an ssh connection if it is closed.


  • script that launches coda_emu_peb. restarts it when it is killed.


  • script that uses remote_vme to launch on hallavme14pc


  • script that uses remote_vme to launch on sbsvme25

  • script on sbsvme25, hallavme14pc that launches coda_roc with a ROC name determined from it's hostname.

  • kills off ROC_hallavme14pc, ROC_sbsvme25, and coda_roc on hallavme14pc and sbsvme25.

Useful stand-alone programs


$CODA/Linux-i686/bin/remex <remexHost> <function call>

  • Execute a function call on the specified remote Host
- Run without arguments for usage


SBS-GEM-Cleanroom/linuxvme/ti/test/tiLibTest <TI slot number>

  • Test triggering capabilities of the local TI.
- Puts the local TI in master mode (with no slaves).
- Accepts triggers either from Front Panel TSinputs or Internal Random Pulser


SBS-GEM-Cleanroom/linuxvme/mpd/libsrc/test/i2c_test <mpd slot number>

  • Test the initialization and configuration of the APVs in the specified MPD.
- Does the same initialization that is done in mpd_list.c:rocDownload()
- Also attempts the readback of the APV registers with mpdApvStatus(0xffff)


SBS-GEM-Cleanroom/linuxvme/bin/vme_display <VME Address> <read size in bytes>

  • Display the read value of specified size from the specified VME address.
- Run without arguments for usage


SBS-GEM-Cleanroom/linuxvme/bin/vme_modmem <VME Address> <read/write size in bytes>

  • Modify the value of specified size of the specified VME address.
- Run without arguments for usage

Extra packages installed

Machines in use


  • NFS server, tftp server for VME Controllers
  • CODA and hardware drivers in:
  • Read-only permissions for all machines in 36 subnet
  • Read-Write permissions for hallavme12pc,sbsvme25


  • DAQ Computer (RunControl, Event Recording)
  • Mount atedf3:/data/disk2/SBS to (autofs: auto.SBS)
Restart procedure if not mounted after reboot
- login as root
 mount atedf3:/data/disk2/SBS /mnt/SBS
- login normally as coda
  • Softlinks in
  • coda/ CODA (3.10)
  • linuxvme (in CODA 3.10 directory)
  • data (filename format: gem_cleanroom_<run number>.evio.<split number>


  • XVB601 VME Controller
  • 'daq' login
  • Slots 2-8, 10-16: MPDs
  • Slot 10: TI


  • XVB601 VME Controller
  • 'daq' login
  • Slots 2-8, 10-16: MPDs
  • Slot 21: TI

Updated/Cloned New repos in coda/3.10/linuxvme

github links (team:coda-user):

Added /site remote with (e.g. jvme, devel branch)

 cd jvme
 git remote add site /site/coda/contrib/devel/jvme
 git pull site devel

CODA environment setup script

Using BASH, source the environment setup script:

source ~/SBS-GEM-Cleanroom/env/setupCODA

Stuff to finish

Add SSP crate

  • Figure out it's hostname
  • Get it to boot just like the other ROCs
  • Check TI
  • Check SSP
  • Check MPD (for checking/debugging APVs)
  • Tell Ben we're ready to start connecting fiber from MPD to SSP

Log CODA runs to logbooks/superbigbite

  • check out code used by Hall A's CODA 2.x
  • from Alex:
- epicsRunstart
- epicsRunEnd
- runstart.tcl
- runend.tcl

Add scripts and GEM-cleanroom specific configuration files to a remote git repo.

- .bashrc
- setupCODA
- ~/bin/*