Analysis Software for Left HRS

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Brief instructions on running the Podd analyzer

See also the more verbose file: /adaqfs/home/adev/bob/analyzer/run/README

Type "goana" on adev account on aonl1 or aonl2 to go to the working directory and set the environment.

Which run is analyzed is controlled by a link. If you type "./ 546" It produces the link to the data and launches the analyzer

run.dat -> /adaq1/data1/LHRS_CODA3_728.dat.0

Running the analyzer, type "analyzer"> analyzer
analyzer [0] .x setup.C
analyzer [1] analyzer->Process(*run)

after the analyzer finishes, you may quit

analyzer [2] .q

This produced a root file Afile.root in the $pwd which gets used by some macros.> root .x showVdc1.C 

and there are other macros like show*.C