October 15th 2021
From Hall A Wiki
- Updates
- HCal
- looked at TDC data with beam - seems to look ok
- adjusted latency - elastic peak a bit late in window - tweaked by 50 ns - might refine with more data - when triggering on BBCAL singles
- replaced SD board but did not help
- coincidence trigger
- 100 ns in BBShower FADC - need to be careful
- TOF of proton ? ~ 50 ns
- HCAL supposed to come 20 ns before BB
- https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3925276
- still need to look at signal on DiagGUI
- Elastic energy 1.5 to 1.75 GeV
- Bigbite Shower
- threshold scan and rates checked : going exponentially as expected
- average of scalers scripts : work fine
- Provokar : https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3925164
- Hodoscope
- Doing well, taking data
- Plots will be put in HALOG
- turned on with beam at 5 uA, rates looked ok
- PMT can handle up to 100 KHz - ok so far at 40 % of that value - 1 to 4 KHz per channel
- GRINCH could be left on
- Gas system : CO2 flowing - .2 -
- online monitoring shows on the replay - looks ok
- CDet
- troubleshooting two individual pixels on current module
- data : trying different cut to get the ADC data, still need to spend some time
- (LHRS) dropped from running
- VXS crate for beamline working and scalers
- GEM Bigbite INFN
- working ok so far
- common mode of J0 was increasing slowly - LV current drow was dropping, connector was sliding down, and was resetted and it was fixed
- need SSP for INFN - will work with Ben to get it set
- GEM UVA clean room
- starting with internal clock
- better update to latest firmware where bug was fixed
- Bryan and Ben working on setting up CODA
- Additionnal trigger box ready
- Bryan already started setting up
- Helicity
- need to check on SBS side - should be there - see status messages - finds seed and stay in sync
- will compared LHRS and SBS soon
- still need to implement analysis support : decoding setup, still need process data
- Beamline/scalers
- Raster signal were fixed - LHRS working fine
- attenuation on SBS signal using attenuator boxes, ordered 20 attenuators - only on raster and BPMB right now
- LHRS reordered to match SBS so they have same database : data looks exactly same now
- beamline FADC was fixed - moved trigger to TI FP and fixed busy mask in SD config : fadc working
- set voltage range to 2 V ( were not all set to 2 V )
- had phase lag before for raster, now they have are in sync
- HV
- all HV working
- scripts HV logging working
- HCal
- Deadtime
- On going tasks
- Cable to weldment ( David / Heidi 100%? )
- cabling scaler/beamline crate ( David , Bob 100%)
- HRS to TS and timing ( Bob, Maria 50% ) - programmed high threshold for other detectors - dropped
- software for FADC pedestals : Bryan will give to Brad ( done )
- EPICS / start End of run logging script (Bob 99% ) - just need to add configuration - will make a test configuration - need to make sure we have all variables - and variables to add at begining / end of run and during the run (EPICS 131 event - need to add to analyzer ) - Provokar gave scripts for some variables to be added : HV for all detectors - issue with ET - Paul checking if there are scripts submitting event as Beginning Of Run event - might be reason for hang-ups
- Prescale GUI (Bob 100%) - up to 8 TS input
- script check MPD sync ( Ben , Andrew 20%) - code to unpack information already written - need run with those data - timestamp need some work
- RF (Bob ,Maria 90%) - located RF prescaler and signal - need to send to HRS and SBS weldment - in hodoscope TDC - looking for new RF board - looked ok on scope but seems odd on data - sometimes can vary ( 180 to 160 ns might be 1190) - will send to HCal F1 - might feed a clock in another channel - LHRS 103.7 KHz clock - can send copy from HRS -
- sync check scripts ( Andrew , Alex, Mark 20%)
- EDTM at least 1 Hz for helicity ( Scott, Arun, Mark ? 100 % ) Just need to check it is working : in 1190 - GUI working
-running at 20 Hz - keep 0.5 A 5V fuse on hand - Right now disabled - can turn on - EDTM is 20 Hz
- Hodoscope v1190 clock ( Alex , Mark , Ralph) - done
- check if calibration is needed after switch (Rachel,Mark 50% ?)- to do but should not be much - check with Ben if he as software - Calibration done with RF time - ~93 ps per channel - RF prescaler seems OK -
- Full configration all crates ( Bryan - 100% ) - can attach process to components - just finish CODA config - need add sbsvme29
- need setup screens for online display and analysis, Hall A tools on big screen - can make a map file - (Bryan , done ) - change browser home page to GMn to experiment -
- data rate test with new computer and 2 VTPs ( Alex, Bryan 20%) - sbsvtp1 booted and online - could reduce dead time and setting - TOP J2 fiber could - could set a MPD -
- could set that a separate
- test GEM zero supression ( Sean, Holly )- done
- FIR ( Sean , Ben , 20 % ? ) Not working - Ben will test in DAQ Lab - long HDMI cable - can get from GEN RP - follow up Paolo and Evaristo
- (done) GEM cosmics ( Sean, Holly ) 70 % - still working on gas issue - no HV plateau curves for INFN chambers
- (done)Shower cosmics (Arun, Provokar ) 100 %
- (done) HCAL cosmics (Scott) - investigating the issue - most channel working - most likely light guide - have enough overhead on HV to run this way
- optimize trigger rules
- GRINCH cosmics ( Bradley ) - need 3 more runs x 8 - 4 FADC - only 64 out of 550 - if need moving around but will look at where they are for now.
- Hodoscope cosmics ( Ralph ) - calibration TDC and nino thresholds : looks pretty good - just need to look at FADC - upper third, 2 left - 100% have all ADC -
- DAQ documentation ( Alex, Rachel ,Don) ( 99 % resets, need starting CODA 100 % / troubleshoooting 80% ) - found some issues being addressed
- suggest taking all detectors cosmics every night
- add scaler crate to full config ( Alex, Steve, Paul - 100 %) - working
- coincidence trigger (done ) - need fine tune inputs at TS
- BB CAL and HCAL at TS - delayed after coincidence (Mark, done ) - need the RC box for FADC ref channel - need delay single triggers (Mark , done 15 ns ) - add GRINCH LED (done #5) -
- (90%) reference channel to all crates - need HCal and Shower + RF - need to add RF to HCAL - 3 cables - in hodoscope crate - if shower FADC available can add
- Hodoscope v1190 clock ( Alex , Mark , Ralph) - done
separate - need RC box for shower and hodo if possibe
- add FADCs for shower sum and HODO ( David / Mark /Bryan : done )
- add FADCs for GRINCH (Bryan/Alex) - done - mode 7 or mode 1 ?
- read threshold for discriminator from with RPi be Ellen (done) (noise issue was fixed), need give code to Steve ( done ) - could add in logentry or wiki for adding in other scripts ( check with Steve ) - Scott wanted to add those readback in GUI - decide to add the data stream
- scaler gating with TS (Alex, Steve) done ? , need include code in readout list - Steve looking at adding to TS list (done)
- MPD crates on hareboot6 (done) - can be power cycled remotely
- put UVA GEM LV on reboot switch (done)
- (new) Trigger latch TS to TDC ( Alex,Mark 0%) try F1 ? or add vetroc gem crate - or hodoscope ) - trigger bank has latch
- event type decoding in analyzer - ( mention at analysis meeting ) - need to check with Ole ?
- MPD retiming (?) with V1495 ( done ) - timestamp issue still need to be implemented - in datastream but might still have issues - can fix with firwmare update - can use TI timestamp to check with other - MPD timestamp not always reliable and misaligned at the start - might be best to test in EEL first - timestamp - event counter working - couple of hours - updating MPD, V1495 and readout list - might need 4 hours - can induce change in latency -
- setup on halladev ( done )
- setup VTP - Bryan working on setting computers and VTP - Ben will bring 2nd VTP
- GEM, FADC pedestal configuration (Alex) done
- (done)Spot ++ and replay beamline sbsvme29 (David) (spot works on SBS side )
- (done)clean up CODA configuration (Alex, Bryan) done
- documentation
- (done)scripts for threshold scan done
- Possible new tasks
- rcdb
- check latency with DiagGui ( needs firmware and code work )
- User event inserted at each split with timestamp, spectrometer information
- mysql database
- autoanalysis at end of run -
- setup laptop for CH blujeans and Slack
- Issues
- (fixed)transceiver issues : HCAL TI might be suspicious ROC 17 ( Scott replaced two transceiver but need to test might be bad connection )
- 1 out of 4 HRS run with TS, if reboot TS usually fixes it - (fixed after firmware downgrade )
- (fixed)network issue : one short fiber replaced, will try to put in protective tube (fixed)
- (fixed )LHRS TI : working now ( no issues seen so far )
- (fixed)GEM with TS hanging - real MPD out of sync - fixed with new firmware - (fixed : 5.2 KHz bufferlevel 5)
- (need to test)Shower FADC bad channel - FADC replaced but problem could not be reproduce - need to test more ( on going - low priority ) - FADC in test lab - DAQ setup - need to feed signal
- (fixed)HCAL FADC bad channel - repaired by Bill - jumper wiggled loose - if no pedestal - could be this jumper (fixed)
- (fixed)HCAL ROC16 fiber - will double check if fiber 5 enabled - use slave5 - added additionnal fiber for ROC16 - (fixed) by cleaning
- (still there)warning PEB ROC - Bryan checking with Dave - might incorrect flag - not sure why - but data still in sync since only happens - still happening - not sure if it is an issue
- (fixed giving up F1)Shower F1 issue at high rate - need to check with OT#2 - check at sync event implemented - DMA error might come from multiple pulsing - switched to 1190 (fixed) -
- (fixed)Helicity scaler readout : issues working with same DMA configuration - scalers doing regular VME (fixed)
- (done)need copy of L1A for helicity scaler - can send TI output ? counting L1A between helicity event to track sync -done
- (fixed) Full config still hanging on LHRS and HCAL busy : no hanging buffer level 2 - need more testing high rate - (fixed after firmware downgrade)
- use HV EPICS : type go_hv on aslow on adaqsc , need people to check if it works and if mapping is correct - bug with off button - hodoscope channel turning off
- control system studio try self update and NFS down
- EPICS server need to be started at boot, Ole and Bryan - ? ( rebooted crate , working now ? )
- can put documentation for other control
- (still ongoing) ROC17 F1 data - data left at sync event - seems fixed after fixing busy cabling - still see a few with high random rate ( tweak trigger rule and gate width ? Is it an issue ? ) - put F1 trigger input / output on scaler
- (fixed)transceiver issues : HCAL TI might be suspicious ROC 17 ( Scott replaced two transceiver but need to test might be bad connection )
- (fixed) hodoscope no data in some events - seems fixed after putting busy from distribution board
- (fixed) HCAL ROC17 crash / shutdown ( fixed after replacing CPU )
- (fixed) V1190 stuck at prestart - went away after switch to external clock - maybe bad connection ( Bryan took out readback loop - not hang - maybe check parameters are correct)
- (fixed) deadtime ROC17 HCAL ( bad CPU connected at 100 Mbps - maybe fixed need test)
- (fixed) deadtime ROC5 hodoscope ( need to test - issue with busy fixed )
- (50%) near limit for FADC crates - Shower window was divided by 2 - HCal windows - could do 150 ns - Move FADCs to top crate ?
- (fixed - only combined DAQ) CODA database corruption - make sure to release components when run is stopped
- (fixed but not understood) one night with bad latency ( was an ECL cable inverted somewhere ) GEM estimated about -200 ns shift + 140 ns today
- (new, sort of) HV hodoscope channels turning off
- (fixed) Glasgow colleague IP maybe black listed -
- (work around) if you try to edit wiki from frame of GMn website, it does not work, need to open the wiki in a new browser window to log into wiki
- (fixed) sbsvme29 TI error with GMN1 config
- (cannot be fixed - been that way forever) Raster X1 vs Raster X2 anticorrelation
- (new) EPICS insertion
- (new) ROC19 busy fiber
- not clear what is happening - still to be investigated - TD see busy - need to make sure shift worker keep an eye - maybe alarm
- (new) DC1 hangup
- (new) TDC errors - just one run though - https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3923168
- (new) sbsvtp1 not detecting MPD fiber
- need 4 more Optical to VXS ( Ben )
- need 160 lemo - large order delay - new order in high priority - can use internal trigger for now so only need 80 for preliminary testing - do we have enough distribution boxes ?
- (new) setup network port for UVA chamber testing in EEL 125
- Ben's retiming - need 1 V1495
- Hall was cleaned - fibers left and table left
- Fiber in storage rack - box in counting room - harnesses in counting room
- Helicity board : 2 avalaible
- F1 : need to test high rate
- could increase threshold - window width 1000 ns maybe - need to be optimized - 40 ns - no remote threshold right now - on camac - might be able to control
288 channels = 18 NIM modules