Meeting 2022 01 19

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GMn GEM commissioning Meetings: WEDNESDAY 10:00am - 11:00am

Link to all previous meetings: GMn GEM Commissioning Meeting

Please use sbs_gems mailing list for plots/communications and HALOG entries relevant to GEMs!

Update on BB GEMs(Sean, Ezekiel, Holly, Anu)

Update on UVa GEM layers for GEn-RP (Anu, John, Thir)

  • SBS-replay/analysis: Need to finish up the database file and then move on to trying out the full SBS analysis/replay.
  • Simple table for showing which GEM sectors are known to be "dead".
  • ZIF-panasonic connectors at UVa: probably want to order about 100. Will also order more APV from CERN.

Requests made during previous meeting:
HV Power Supply tests
  • Currently have data for the pedestals for both Caen and Wiener power supplies.
  • Have cosmic data for the Wiener PS -- just ended run for Caen cosmic data.

Update on INFN GEM layers for GEn-RP (Ezekiel)

  • Update on: finish document with honest assessment of current readiness
  • INFN working on the divider modification and will send some replacements when available.

Update on the Tracking efficiency / resolution (Andrew)

  • No update

Update on the High rate DAQ development (Ben, Bryan, Alex, Holly)

  • No update