HCAL DAQ Software Setup

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Revision as of 23:27, 22 April 2022 by Moffit (Talk | contribs) (Environment)

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Network and ROC configuration
Location VME Hostname ROC Name VTP Hostname VTP ROC Name VTP 10G Hostname
Bottom intelsbshcal1 hcalROC16 hcalvtp1 tbd hcalvtp1-s1
Top intelsbshcal2 hcalROC17 hcalvtp2 tbd hcalvtp2-s1

login / ROC environment

The login environment (bash) for sbs-onl is shared for intelsbshcal1, intelsbshcal2. hcalvtp1, hcalvtp2.

Home directory

The home directory is linked to the hcal subdirectory of the sbs-onl home directory on adaqfs. That is:

/home/sbs-onl -> /adaqfs/home/sbs-onl/hcal


Below we show the main variables that are critical to run the DAQ. Others important ones will to be derived from these.

CODA = /adaqfs/home/sbs-onl/coda/3.10_devel
CODA_SCRIPTS = /home/sbs-onl/coda_scripts
LINUXVME = /home/sbs-onl/linuxvme
SESSION = hcal
FADC250_PARAMS = ${HOME}/cfg


readout lists

aux libraries


login / ROC environment

readout lists

aux libraries