Halls A and C Spectrometer Support Group Whiteboard

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Revision as of 07:41, 22 June 2022 by Fansler (Talk | contribs) (Would Be Good To Do Items)

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Priority Items

Readout for LCW pressure sensors added at end of beamline walkway (not started)

Check if optocoupler is missing in LQ2 FuG - Looked for this. Didn't see one on the main boards, but realized as I am writing this, maybe it was for the interface for remote polarity switching? --Ellen

Buy and replace MFCs in old FPP mixing system - MFCs on order

Replace air compressor in Hall A Gas Shed - ordered - need to remove old compressor and dryer.

Gas manifolds for GEM gas cylinders (started)

Replacement for EEL two cylinder gas cart - ordered, waiting on delivery

Hall C Moller: setup new chiller, modify bertha, get new helium lines installed when they come in and test magnet cooldown

Nitrogen supply for GEM gas cylinder valves (Clippard valves and cylinder controller) (not started)

Gas mix controller and MFCs for GEM detectors (not started)

Warm up HB.-Done

Add "T's" and pump out ports to HMS magnet vacuum gauge ports.-Steve didn't want work done.

Add ventilation to SHMS Dipole flow meter shielding.-Done

Find 4 atmos leak in Hall C.-In Hall snoop of lines and isolation done.

Move ozone meters from VME to PI.

Add fan to beamline side lead (HB)-Done

Modify HMS lead heaters, add perforated sheets up stream and add a perforated box downstream to fit heater.-Done

Would Be Good To Do Items

Remove actuators from right arm magnets. (Dipole/Q3 complete)

clean up R-arm supply platform

clean up L-arm supply platform

HMS/SHMS Heater and fan changes, fixes, upgrades etc.-Done

Calibrate and op-check spare warm return valves for Hall C.-Done- new controller for testing and calibration being built.

Add bypass switch for SHMS UPS - Switch ordered-Done.

Build local valve control boxes with local read out.

Build new controller for warm return valves.

op check/repair hall C vacuum gauges.

Do We Still Need To Do These?

Possible Future Items

Remote reset for Hall C spectrometer motion (maybe next year)