TDIS Weekly meeting, 2023 Oct 6
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- Aruni: Tracking report
- Eric C.: Status of the prototype
Present: Shujie, Jacob, Bogdan, Salina, Dipangkar, Aruni, Ed, Eric F., Eric C., Carlos
- Aruni presented a summary of the last tracking meetings.
- Bogdan is questioning the plot presented as example of the data generated.
- Dipangkar asked about the status of the 1.7T simulation
- Eric reported the status of the prototype. He informed that Huong requested to take the prototype back to UVA. Also informed that Chris Cuevas already ordered the cables for the voltage divider.
Organizational details
IN PERSON, meeting room: CEBAF 227
ZoomGov meeting.
Topic: TDIS weekly meeting Time: 12:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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