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Revision as of 15:25, 14 September 2009 by Dalton (Talk | contribs)

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The Weekly Analysis Coordinator (WAC) is a rotating position of 1 week each. The wac is required to perform their functions every morning.

WAC schedule

WAC schedule
Dates WAC name
2009/09/07 - 2009/09/13 Zafar Ahmed
2009/09/14 - 2009/09/20 Luis Mercado
2009/09/21 - 2009/09/27 Xiaoyan Deng
2009/09/28 - 2009/10/04
2009/10/05 - 2009/10/11
2009/10/12 - 2009/10/18
2009/10/19 - 2009/10/26

Jobs of the WAC

Prompt the new runs

Run prompt on all the runs taken since the last wac summary. Do a reprompt if there is any doubt about the initial offline analysis. Look carefully through the output and try to spot problems. For example, Ahmed noticed large outliers in the bcm double differences and this helped us to learn that the dac glitch on the 18 bit ADCs was causing problems.

Update the run database

For every run the database of runs must be updated. The database structure is as follows.

| Field             | Type       | Null | Key | Default           | Extra          |
| WACentriesID      | int(11)    |      | PRI | NULL              | auto_increment | 
| RunInfo_RunNumber | int(11)    | YES  | MUL | NULL              |                | 
| WACname           | tinytext   | YES  |     | NULL              |                | 
| WACEntryTime      | timestamp  | YES  |     | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |                | 
| WACcomment        | longtext   | YES  |     | NULL              |                | 
| LeftDETeventLo    | int(11)    | YES  |     | NULL              |                | 
| LeftDETeventHi    | int(11)    | YES  |     | NULL              |                | 
| RightDETeventLo   | int(11)    | YES  |     | NULL              |                | 
| RightDETeventHi   | int(11)    | YES  |     | NULL              |                | 
| Slug              | int(11)    | YES  |     | NULL              |                | 
| SlowSign          | tinyint(2) | YES  |     | NULL              |                | 
| Production        | tinyint(4) | YES  |     | NULL              |                | 

The database can be interacted with using the addWACentry.pl script in the wac directory:

addWACentry.pl -n [username] -r [runnumber]

Produce the slug summary

Once the database is up to date, the slug summary is produced using the summary.pl script in the wac directory. This will produce the summary root (~/happex3/ROOTfiles/parity09_000X_slug.root) file and the summary text file (http://www.jlab.org/~adaq/prompt_output/).

Produce the slug plots

Once the slug summary has been produced, the slug plots are produced using the makePlots.pl script in the wac directory. This will produce plots at http://www.jlab.org/~adaq/slug_output/

Special Cases

Reprompting a lot of runs

On rare occasions it may be necessary to reprompt a whole bunch of runs. This can be accomplished in two steps.

1. First get a list of the runs to be reprompted. So, for example, all the runs in slug 5 can be obtained as follows.

[apar@adaql5 ~/happex3/pan]$ gowac

 ****** This directory for WAC analysis (WACs only, please) ******

[apar@adaql5 ~/happex3/wac]$ grep -P '\t5' runlist.txt | cut -f1 | xargs echo
12179 12180 12181 12182 12183 12184 12187 12189 12197 12198 12202 12203 12204 12207 12208 12209 12210 
12224 12225 12226 12227 12228 12234 12235 12236 12238 12240 12241 12242 12243 12244 12245 12246 12247 
12251 12253 12254 12255 12256 12257 12258 12259

2. Next use the following command.

[apar@adaql5 ~/happex3/wac]$ gopan

 ****** This directory for ONLINE analysis (Shift-Workers only, please) ******

[apar@adaql5 ~/happex3/pan]$ 
[apar@adaql5 ~/happex3/pan]$ 
[apar@adaql5 ~/happex3/pan]$ ./utils/prompt.pl  --forcepan --forcereg --forcedit --nomacro --conf '' --batch 12179
 12180 12181 12182 12183 12184 12187 12189 12197 12198 12202 12203 12204 12207 12208 12209 12210 12224 
 12225 12226 12227 12228 12234 12235 12236 12238 12240 12241 12242 12243 12244 12245 12246 12247 12251 
 12253 12254 12255 12256 12257 12258 12259