Run table

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Revision as of 17:41, 29 October 2009 by Zhaobo (Talk | contribs)

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run pair Left run Right run comments check on ungated, + and -
good 1589 20460 consistent on all consistent
good 1590 20461 8e-4 shift on (--) scalar 5e-4 shift on (-) scalar
good 1591 20462 5e-4 opposite shift on (++ and +-) scalar consistent
good 1592 20463 1e-3 shift on (++ and +-) scalar 1e-3 shift on ungated and (+)
good 1593 20464 consistent on all consistent
good 1595 20466 consistent on all consistent
good 1596 20467 consistent on all consistent
good 1597 20468 consistent on all consistent
good 1598 20469 consistent on all consistent
good 1599 20470 consistent on all consistent
good 1600 20471 consistent on all consistent