DVCS TO DO list, Summer 2010

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Revision as of 16:43, 7 July 2010 by Jroche (Talk | contribs)

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This page lists the projects that need to be worked on, it is not prioritized. Please consider working on this topics. To do so, under each section title state that you are interested on working on this, the date at which you are starting to work on the project, and the status of your work.



Slow controls

The HV crates can be controlled through 3 different methods:

  • telnet: as of 07-07-10: works but the whole method is clumsy
  • ARCNET: in progress, scripts exist but have not yet been tested. 07-07-10: Alex will send Julie the info about this so one can work on it during July
  • JAVA: Vince Sulkolsy is working on that and said he will let us use his scripts once they are working. 07-07-10:Carlos will follow up

Hardware limits

Need to set the hardware limit to ~900 V using the potentiometer at the back of the crate


Need to unroll and label the 55m RG58 in the hall


07-07-10:Carlos can you send some info about that??



  • Made them work those little rascals !

Run start, run stop scripts

Use external paddle to time Calo versus HRS

Need the calo to be installed and read out in the Hall




Need to define, create/revive and/or test software scripts needed for offline analysis.

The ones that have been identified so far are:

  • Elastic calibration 07-07-10: Asenath is working on that
  • Wave form analysis 07-07-10:Carlos will work on that
  • Gain monitoring using π0 calibration 07-07-10:Eric has been working on that and will conclude on that shortly


Commissionning run plan

07-07-10: Charles will work on that

Things we discussed briefly so far: do we need to learn how to do the sieve slit analysis before the run starts?

Run plan

How to

Create an HOW-TO: 07-07-10: Eric will work on that

  • based on what already exist from previous experiment (eg [APEX page] and
  • add our own info about how to deal with the calo.

Shift schedule

  • Create a shift schedule based on what PREX used recently and our existing data base.


07-07-10:Alex will work on that