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Kinematic Calculators

HRS Calibration

HRS(L) and HRS (R) Elastic C(e,e') [ and Ta(e,e')]

Kin Ein [MeV] HRS(L) Electrons HRS(R) Electrons BigBite
 (not in use)
Neutron Arm
 (not in use)
Target Plots MCEEP
H# P(e') Theta (e') P(e') Theta (e') P Theta P Theta
1 1162 1204.2 (1208.2) 15 1204.2 (1208.2) -15 Carbon (Ta) Kin Map
2 1162 1181.1 (1184.9) 15 1181.1 (1184.9) -15 Carbon (Ta) Kin Map
3 1162 1157.9 (1161.7) 15 1157.9 (1161.7) -15 Carbon (Ta) Kin Map
4 1162 1134.7 (1138.5) 15 1134.7 (1138.5) -15 Carbon (Ta) Kin Map
5 1162 1111.6 (1115.3) 15 1111.6 (1115.3) -15 Carbon (Ta) Kin Map
  • The setup is according the Elastic scattering from Carbon
  • Values in brackets for Ta
  • With Sieve slit In/Out and multi foil target
  • Additional run at H3 kinematics with raster on

HRS(L) and HRS (R), Quasi Elastic C(e,e')

Kin Ein [MeV] HRS(L) Electrons HRS(R) Electrons BigBite
 (not in use)
Neutron Arm
 (not in use)
Target Plots MCEEP
I # P(e') Theta (e') P(e') Theta (e') P Theta P Theta
1 1162 1162.4 15 1162.4 -15 Carbon Kin Map
2 1162 1140.1 15 1140.1 -15 Carbon Kin Map
3 1162 1117.7 15 1117.7 -15 Carbon Kin Map
4 1162 1095.4 15 1095.4 -15 Carbon Kin Map
5 1162 1073 15 1073 -15 Carbon Kin Map
  • Calibration for relative acceptance measurement With Sieve slit In/Out

HRS(L) and HRS (R), Delta resonance C(e,e') - One pass

Kin Ein [MeV] HRS(L) Electrons HRS(R) Electrons BigBite
 (not in use)
Neutron Arm
 (not in use)
Target Plots MCEEP
L # P(e') Theta (e') P(e') Theta (e') P Theta P Theta
1 1162 820.1 15 820.1 -15 Carbon Kin Map
2 1162 804.4 15 804.4 -15 Carbon Kin Map
3 1162 788.6 15 788.6 -15 Carbon Kin Map
4 1162 772.8 15 772.8 -15 Carbon Kin Map
5 1162 757.1 15 757.1 -15 Carbon Kin Map
  • Calibration for relative acceptance measurement With Sieve slit In/Out

HRS(L) and HRS (R), Delta resonance C(e,e') - Two pass

Kin Ein [MeV] HRS(L) Electrons HRS(R) Electrons BigBite
 (not in use)
Neutron Arm
 (not in use)
Target Plots MCEEP
M # P(e') Theta (e') P(e') Theta (e') P Theta P Theta
1 2262 1847 15 1847 -15 Carbon Kin Map
2 2262 1811.5 15 1811.5 -15 Carbon Kin Map
3 2262 1776 15 1776 -15 Carbon Kin Map
4 2262 1740.5 15 1740.5 -15 Carbon Kin Map
5 2262 1705 15 1705 -15 Carbon Kin Map
  • Calibration for relative acceptance measurement With Sieve slit In/Out

HRS(L) and HRS (R) H(e,e'p)

Kin Ein [MeV] HRS(L) Electrons HRS(R) Protons BigBite
 (not in use)
Neutron Arm
 (not in use)
Target Plots MCEEP
G# P(e') Theta (e') P(p) Theta (p) P Theta P Theta
1 1162 822 48.2 868 -44.96 LH2 Kin Map
2 2262 1610 33.7 1284 -44.06 LH2 Kin Map
  • With Sieve slit In/Out

HRS(L) and HRS (R) H(e,e'p)

  • Polarity change
Kin Ein [MeV] HRS(L) Protons HRS(R) Electrons BigBite
 (not in use)
Neutron Arm
 (not in use)
Target Plots MCEEP
G# P(p) Theta (p) P(e) Theta (e) P Theta P Theta
3 2262 1284 44.06 1610 -33.7 LH2 Kin Map
  • With Sieve slit In/Out

Quasi Elastic C(e,e'p)

  • This calibration should be done AFTER polarity change
Kin Ein [MeV] HRS(L) Protons HRS(R) Electrons BigBite
 (not in use)
Neutron Arm
 (not in use)
Target Plots MCEEP
G# P(p) Theta (p) P(e') Theta (e') P Theta P Theta
4 2262 592 65.8 2090.3 -15 Carbon Kin Map
5 2262 493 69.5 2139.9 -12.5 Carbon Kin Map
  • With Sieve slit In/Out

HRS(L) and HRS (R) C(e,e'p)

Kin Ein [MeV] HRS(L) Electrons HRS(R) Protons BigBite
 (not in use)
Neutron Arm
 (not in use)
Target Plots MCEEP
F # P(e') Theta (e') P(p) Theta (p) P Theta P Theta
1 4462 3518.5 15 1400 -40.57 Carbon Kin Map
2 4462 3518.5 15 1400 -40.57 Multi Foil Carbon Kin Map
  • 4 pass calibration at x=1, with sieve slit In/Out

BigBite Calibration

H(e,e'p) HRS(L) and BigBite

Kin Ein [MeV] HRS(L) Electrons HRS(R)
 (not in use)
 (-68 Deg)*
Neutron Arm
 (not in use, at 50 deg)
Target Plots MCEEP
A# P(e') Theta (e') P Theta P(p) Theta (p) P Theta
1 1162 1099.0 17.5 -12.5 349.5 -71.0 -50 4cm LH2 Kin Map
2 1162 1077.5 20.5 -12.5 407.1 -68.0 -50 4 cm LH2 Kin Map
3 1162 1057.9 23 -12.5 454.2 -65.5 -50 4 cm LH2 Kin Map
4 2262 2139.7 12.5 -12.5 494.4 -69.5 -50 4 cm LH2 Kin Map
5 2262 2090.3 15 -12.5 593.0 -65.8 -50 4 cm LH2 Kin Map
  • We do not know how to get within the constrains protons of more than 600 MeV/c to BB for Calibration.
  • 1st pass is not sure due to Qweak

Full acceptance calibration of BigBite C(e,e'p) and C(e,p)

Kin Ein [MeV] HRS(L) (Electrons) HRS(R) (not in use)
 (not in use)
 (-68 Deg)*
Neutron Arm
 (not in use, at 50 deg)
Target Plots MCEEP
B# P(e') Theta (e') P Theta P(p) Theta (p) P Theta
1 2262 2090.3 15 -12.5 -68 -50 1 mm Carbon Kin Map
2 2262 2090.3 15 -12.5 -68 -50 multifoil Carbon Kin Map
3* 2262 2090.3 15 -12.5 -68 -50 multifoil Carbon Kin Map
4* 2262 2090.3 15 -12.5 -68 -50 multifoil Carbon Kin Map
  • 3* Same as B2 with Sieve Slit
  • 4* Same as B2 with Sieve Slit and no Field in BigBite

Full acceptance calibration of BigBite d(e,e'p) and d(e,p)

Kin Ein [MeV] HRS(L) (Electrons) HRS(R) (not in use)
 (not in use)
 (-68 Deg)*
Neutron Arm
 (not in use, at 50 deg)
Target Plots MCEEP
C# P(e') Theta (e') P Theta P(p) Theta (p) P Theta
1 2262 2090.3 15 -12.5 -68 -50 4 cm LH2 Kin Map

Neutron Array calibration

H(e,e'p) HRS(L) and Neutron Array for protons

Kin Ein [MeV] HRS(L) Electrons HRS(R)
 (not in use)
 (Not in use)
Neutron Arm
  no lead wall 
 50 Deg 15m from target
Target Plots MCEEP
D# P(e') Theta (e') P Theta P(p) Theta (p) P Theta
1 2262#. 27.5 -12.5 -68 1069.2 -50 4 cm LH2 Kin Map

This can also be done with 4.4 GeV beam and E' of 3.9 GeV and 12.5 degrees with the proton going with 1 GeV to 57 degrees. MUCH higher cross section if done with 4th pass. Not sure why done with 2nd pass?!

d(e,e'pn) x<1 HRS(L), HRS(R) and Neutron Array (n - efficiency)

Kin Ein [MeV] HRS(L) PROTONS HRS(R) ELECTRONS BigBite at -99 Deg, Magnet on
detector off
Neutron Arm
 Behind BigBite and lead wall
Target Plots MCEEP
E# P(p) Theta (p) P(e') Theta(e') P Theta P(n) Theta(n)
1 2262 778.7 59.2 (not possible?!) 1948.7 -12.5 -99 250 -99 4 cm LH2 Kin Map
2 2262 985.8 51.9 1757.9 -12.5 -99 400 -99 4 cm LH2 Kin Map
  • In this calibration we need to switch the polarity of HRS arms.

^ First Kinematics cross section of 0.7E-7 fm^2/MeV/sr^2 BUT recoil is only 250 MeV/c. TOO SMALL?! (i.e. below physics range)

^ Second Kinematics cross section of 0.6E-8 fm^2/MeV/sr^2 for recoil of 400 MeV/c

4400 GeV beam 4068 & 12.5 electron with -35.5 & 628 proton which will put a 527 MeV/c neutron into 99 degrees. [MCEEP PWBA sigma of 0.8E-9 fm^2/MeV/sr^2 BUT should x10 higher due to FSI in these kinematics]

For cm of exactly 90 4400 GeV beam 12.5 electron and 15 degrees proton at 700 MeV/c 0.1E-9 {no FSI in simulation}

Now for a 350 MeV neutron 0.2E-8 fm^2/MeV/sr^2 without having to switch polarity!

Next checked 280 MeV/c neutrons into 99 degrees and go 0.1E-7 fm^2/MeV/sr^2. Again, I think this is not needed, but wanted to compare to 2nd pass option. [4082 MeV 12.5 degrees and 769 MeV and -53.2 degrees]


D(e,e'pn) Triple coincidence for x>1

Kin Ein [MeV] HRS(L) Electrons HRS(R) Protons BigBite Neutron Arm Target Plots MCEEP
K# P(e') Theta (e') P Theta P(p) Theta (p) P Theta
2 4462 3609.4 20.3 1375.5 -33.4 500 -98.2 500 -98.2 4 cm LD2 Kin Map
6 4462 3609.4 20.3 1470.2 -40.5 300 -97.9 300 -97.9 4 cm LD2 Kin Map

He(e,e'pp)/(e,e'pn) Triple coincidence for x>1

Kin Ein [MeV] HRS(L) Electrons HRS(R) Protons BigBite Neutron Arm Target Plots MCEEP
K# P(e') Theta (e') P Theta P(p) Theta (p) P Theta
1 4462 3609.4 20.3 1427.5 -36.9 400 -99.3 400 -99.3 4 cm LHe4 Kin Map
2 4462 3609.4 20.3 1375.5 -33.4 500 -98.2 500 -98.2 4 cm LHe4 Kin Map
3 4462 3609.4 20.3 1297.1 -29.03 625 -95.3 625 -95.3 4 cm LHe4 Kin Map
4 4462 3609.4 20.3 1200.8 -24.5 755 -91.2 755 -91.2 4 cm LHe4 Kin Map
5 4462 3609.4 20.3 1099.3 -20.1 875 -87.1 875 -87.1 4 cm LHe4 Kin Map