Magnetic Field Map

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Revision as of 15:16, 19 January 2011 by Reimer (Talk | contribs)

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How to produce the filed map

It's a windows program and need installation, it can run with wine in linux or winXP, but not win7
see manuals for detailed help, especially for the postprocessor program SF7.EXE
  • produce mesh by AUTOMESH.EXE with input from a ".am" file, output file will be ".T35" with only geometry and material
  • then run POISSON.EXE with the ".T35" file which will be added with field.
  • use WSFPLOT.EXE to view the ".T35" file
  • then run SF7.EXE on the ".T35" file, do the field extrapolation for a line, arc or grid, the result is in a txt file "OUTSF7.TXT"
a ".TBL" filed file may be produced also which can be directly viewed by TABLPLOT.EXE

Field map files

  • The Barbar magnet configuration file jlabl1:/scratch/gen/poisson/solid/
  • The Barbar magnet result file jlabl1:/scratch/gen/poisson/solid/babar_transv_3_4.T35