Solid geo

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GEMC read geometry/material/sensitivity in a mysql database

The database server currently used is The user name is clasuser with no password which has read and write privilege.

On the server, there are many databases. for example, "clas12_geometry" is used for clas12 detector. We are use "user_geometry" for now.

A gui tool mysqlcc to view database content

All scripts are store in GEMC svn "database_io/halla12/solid/geometry"

One example of updating database

  1. One the scripts are based on some database_io scripts currently only available through svn, not included with gemc rpm package. So download the whole directory svn /database_io/,
  2. Two then setup "setenv $GEMC parent_directory_of_database_io"
  3. Three then copy "go_table" and "" from "database_io/halla12/solid/geometry" to somewhere
  4. Four run command "./go_table user_geometry solid_solenoid", this will update the table "solid_solenoid" in database "user_geometry".
  5. Five The script deletes the table first and create a new one with the content from "solid_solenoid.txt" which is created by "". The database command is recorded in "solid_solenoid.log"
  6. Six Read onscreen output to see if it's done without error.


  1. Zero For any part of detector as a table, just write its perl script and run the same go_table script with it.
  2. One Each database table represent a detector component named as solid_xx_xx.
  eg. solid_solenoid includes solenoid coils and yoke which are common for PVDIS and SIDIS. 
  eg. solid_target_PVDIS can include target for PVDIS.
  1. Two Each detector component should have a pl file and go_table file. The two files' content should be modified to with the component name to work.
  2. Three The mother volume of all is called "root" which is a big box built in GEMC code.
  3. Four The coordinate system used: center of solenoid coil is at origin. Beam along Z, Up is Y, X is horizon, XYZ right hand system.


  1. One Geant4 Detector Definition and Response
  1. TwoGEMC source code with Doxygen doc, especially class and

