Online GUI

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Revision as of 20:21, 11 February 2011 by Igorko (Talk | contribs)

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To Start online GUI do following:

  1. under adaq type: "goonlana"
  2. replay the data using: replay_all.C
  3. exit the analyzer by typing: ".q"
  4. after the replay is done type: "cd onlineGUI_v1.2.1"
  5. type: "analyzer".
  6. in analyzer window load the library by typing: .L online.C+
  7. after the library is loade open the GUI for each detector seperatly:
    1. for L-HRS type  : online("detectorL.cfg",[run number])
    2. for R-HRS type  : online("detectorR.cfg",[run number])
    3. for BigBite type: online("bigbite.cfg",[run number])
    4. for HAND type  : online("hand.cfg",[run number])