Anneal Procedure

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g2p Anneal Procedure will go here Don't forget to make new eventfile


  • Fridge running − all pumps on

Prepare NMR:

  • Stop beam, if necessary
  • Turn off Microwaves, if necessary
  • Put NMR into Monitor Mode

Prepare Fridge:

  • Stop Roots Blower 3 by pressing the RB3 Stop Button (in electronics room)
  • Wait 2 minutes for pump to spin down
  • Stop Roots Blower 2 by pressing the RB2 Stop Button (in electronics room)
  • Wait 2 minutes for pump to spin down
  • Stop Roots Blower 1 by pressing the RB1 Stop Button (in electronics room)
  • Open Main Gate Valve, PV91141, if necessary (in electronics room)
  • Close Bypass RB3 Valve, PV91142, if necessary (in electronics room)
  • Close Roughing Valve, PV91143, if necessary (in electronics room)
  • Place Run Valve, EV91120, into Manual Mode (cryo computer)
  • Close Run Valve by entering a manual setpoint of zero
  • Close Bypass Valve, EV91121, if necessary, by entering a position of zero
  • Put the Separator Valve, EV91127, into Computer Control (not Manual Mode)
  • Enter a value of 60 into the Set Val box of the EV91127 control

Empty the Tail of Helium:

  • DO NOT move the target without first informing MCC − youʼ’ll trip all Halls
  • Move the target to the Top position, write in logbook
  • Load the Anneal program (icon on desktop)
  • Run the Anneal program (click white arrow on left of toolbar)
  • Type in a setpoint of 60 (K) and hit "Send to ITC", write in logbook
  • Hit the "Goto Setpoint" button to turn on the heater
  • Observe the liquid level in the tail drop (7% is about the minumum reading)
  • Wait 5 minutes after the liquid is gone
  • Open the Run Valve to 0.3, write in logbook
  • Move the target to Empty position, write in logbook
  • (If Run Plan needs to do Carbon runs, this position is also OK)
  • Use Lower camera to see the He4 pressure (Rack B, Device 5), write in logbook

Begin the Anneal:

  • Wait until all three sensors stabilize at 60K, write in logbook
  • Type the desired Anneal temperature into the setpoint, Hit "Send to ITC"
  • Note in the logbook the time when the anneal temperature is reached
  • Log Top Platinum, Top T/C, Bottom T/C, and He4 Pressure every 5−10 minutes
  • Leave the target at the Anneal temperature for the desired number of minutes
  • To stop the anneal, hit the "Stop Anneal" button, write in logbook
  • Let the anneal program continue to run, to document the cooldown process
  • Cool Down the Refrigerator:
  • Change the setpoint of the Bypass Valve to 1.0
  • Change the Manual setpoint of the Run Valve to 1.0
  • Wait until the Nose Level, LL91112, reaches about 80%
  • Change the setpoint of the Bypass Valve to 0.0
  • Change the Run Valve back to computer control (not Manual Mode)
  • Enter a value of 32 into the Set Val box of the EV91127 (Separator) control
  • The the Stop button on the toolbar of the Anneal Program, and then close it
  • Wait for the Nose Level to (mostly) stabilize
  • Observe the He4 pressure
  • If the pressure is not below 12 torr, temporarily close the Run Valve
  • Once the pressure is below 12 torr, start RB1 (electronics room)
  • Wait for the pressure to drop below 2.2 torr
  • Start RB2
  • Wait for the pressure to drop below 1.0 torr
  • Start RB3
  • If necessary, re−open the Run Valve or put it under computer control