Commissioning Run Plan Fall 2016

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For the Fall of 2016 assume:

  • Maximum beam current = 60 μA but for short times it can go higher for boiling studies and BCM calibration.
  • 2.2 GeV @ 1st pass, 4.3 GeV @ 2nd Pass, 6.4 GeV @ 3rd Pass, 8.5 GeV @ 4th pass, and 10.6 GeV @ 5th pass.
  • No fifth pass beam until November..
  • Angle restrictions with DVCS calorimeter stand in place:
    1. HRS-BL: 17.5 to 45 degrees
    2. HRS-BR: 48.75 to 74.5 degrees

Pre-beam Checklist

Trigger Checkout (Experts)

* Checkout trigger timing
* Checkout of EDTM

HRS Detector Checkout (Detector Experts)

* Take a long cosmics run with all detectors on.
* Look for dead and hot wires in the wire and straw chambers against an earlier plot to look for any possible inconsistencies in wiring.  Check these against 
  those listed in the current analysis parameters.
* Look at ADC distributions for the hodoscopes Gas Cherenkovs and lead glass calorimeters.  Are they all firing?
* Look at TDC distributions for hodoscopes and Gas Cherenkovs.  Is the timing reasonable, any multiple peaks, within timing range, etc? 

Commissioning and Calibrations

The following items should be performed during the first 1-1.5 shifts with beam on target:

* Initial trigger checkout with beam.  Check timing and PID thresholds.
* Initial detector checkout with beam.
* Initial checks of beam position and raster.


HRS Checkout (Experts)

HRS Detector Calibrations

Spectrometer Optics @ 1st Pass