EVO Instructions

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  • EVO usage:
    • Get an account at <a href="http://evo.caltech.edu/evoGate/" class='external text' title="http://evo.caltech.edu/evoGate/" rel="nofollow">EVO home page</a> by Register
    • Configure EVO: you do this in <a href="http://evo.caltech.edu/evoGate/" class='external text' title="http://evo.caltech.edu/evoGate/" rel="nofollow">EVO home page</a> Start. This will start "Koala" the main GUI. You configure your communication software by selecting the "Configuration" menu at the top of the GUI and choose "Show Plugins". Update all plugins and make sure that all boxes are checked. Then select again the "Configuration" menu and choose "Video conference client". In this new window you can select your preferred communication tool. I usually use "Alternate EVO tools" on my desktop using a head set for communication hardware. The default is "EVO tools". If your communication hardware is for example a polycom you will use "EVO H.323" and will be explained below.
    • Test your hardware: The second row from the top of the Koala GUI list all the communities you are registered to. For example "Universe". Selecting "Universe" will give you a list of meetings set up in this community. One of these meetings is "EVO TV" that allows you to check if the configuration of your hardware is working. By clicking on the meeting bar you enter the meeting and all current participants of this meeting will be displayed as well as the current settings of your communication hardware in a black horizontal status bar just below the meeting display. You should receive a video/audio feed showing a movie or television program. If you do not see the video, you can try clicking the "restart video" button under the "AV controls" tab. If still no video, see Howtos below.
    • Enter a meeting: Now that you are all set you can enter a meeting. Again, under the "Universe" community tab near the top of the Koala GUI, you can choose the "MOLLER Collaboration Meeting" with password "halfppb".
    • Usage of H.323: If you have a polycom system with camera as hardware you choose "EVO H.323" as "Video conference client" in the "Configuration" menu. In that window you have to define a "Display Name" which can be any string and you have to define the "H.323 Address" which is the IP address of your polycom system which is usually displayed in the center lower half of the TV-set. Save this configuration and when you will enter a meeting the connection to the polycom is automatically initiated.
    • Bridge to ESNET: If you are in a EVO meeting you can establish a bridge to ESNET by selecting "Call" in the menu at the top of the Koala GUI. There you select "H.323" that will pop up a window where you can choose a "Display Name" (any string) and in the "H.323 Address" box you type in the ESNET address in the form #######@gk1.es.net where ####### is the ESNET number. Save the setting and click on the telephone icon to initiate the call. Once the bridge is established an additional icon will appear in the meeting display of the participants.
  • Howtos:
    • Koala Gui crashes at start up (Windows machine): Make sure that Java is configured right. Click on "Start" and select "Control Panel". Choose "Switch to classic viewer" and select the "Java" icon. In "General" select "temporary internet files" and choose "Settings" there you check the box "keep temporary files on local computer". That should do the trick.
    • No video displayed (Linux, mac): Quit EVO, delete all java scripts related to EVO like the full "./koalarc" directory, restart EVO download all plugins and reconfigure EVO as indicated above.
    • Bad sound quality (Linux): Usually that happens to me when using "Evo tools". Quit the meeting and select in the "Koala" GUI the menu "Configuration" an there the "Video conference client" option. Here you select "Alternate EVO tools". If it is not available you first have to download the plugins. And then try again to connect to the meeting.

EVO tips