Expert Shift Checklist

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This is the check list for experts on 3He QuasiElastic data checker shift.

Notice : Please add items of your specialty field, so every one will do the check

Beamline, beam charge, beam polarization

  1. BPM A and B (x,y) positions
    • Check the front room white board for default value
  2. Beam charge asymmetry is small (less than 1000ppm)
  3. Check that the beam charge at end-of-run makes sense ?
    • All BCM charge reading should be consistent
    • Example of Good Run:
BCM u1 [ 0]:0.03799        BCM u3 [ 0]:0.03798        BCM u10[ 0]:0.0336         
BCM u1 [++]:0.009217       BCM u3 [++]:0.009211       BCM u10[++]:0.008148       
BCM u1 [--]:0.009464       BCM u3 [--]:0.009462       BCM u10[--]:0.008371       
BCM u1 [+-]:0.009214       BCM u3 [+-]:0.009211       BCM u10[+-]:0.008148       
BCM u1 [-+]:0.009466       BCM u3 [-+]:0.009465       BCM u10[-+]:0.008373       

BCM d1 [ 0]:0.03786        BCM d3 [ 0]:0.03787        BCM d10[ 0]:0.03787        
BCM d1 [++]:0.009183       BCM d3 [++]:0.009198       BCM d10[++]:0.009188       
BCM d1 [--]:0.009428       BCM d3 [--]:0.009432       BCM d10[--]:0.009432       
BCM d1 [+-]:0.009182       BCM d3 [+-]:0.009185       BCM d10[+-]:0.009185       
BCM d1 [-+]:0.009431       BCM d3 [-+]:0.009434       BCM d10[-+]:0.009436    

Run information

  1. Check scaler rate screen, pre-scale factors agree with earlier runs. example of normal rate @ 15uA prodction
  2. Check online CODA rate and CODA dead time. (Run scaler script, verify deadtime)
  3. Check start-of-run input. Target type, beam half wave plate, etc.
  4. Restart Auxiliary DAQs HAPPEX every four hours or so.
  5. Look at shift worker's run-sheet records.
  6. Confirm CODA not crashed, check DAQ-configuration:
    1. LHRS: Lefthrs
    2. BigBite: bigbite_buf
  7. Check Halog entries.
  8. Check target polarization history.
    Example plot of a stable target
    1. Go To Target Status History
  9. Check all HV on. BB chamber HV on before run starts.
    • Example Start Run with All HV On
    • Check Section
      • Left S2 HV Left/Right PMTs
      • Left S1/Cerenkov/A1 Cerenkov HV
      • Left Pion Rejector Layer 1/2 HV
      • Map BB_SC_R Measured Voltage/Current
      • Map BB_DC Measured Voltage/Current
      • Map BB_PS_R Measured Voltage/Current
      • Map BB_SC_L Measured Voltage/Current
      • Map BB_PS_L Measured Voltage/Current
      • Map BB_SH Measured Voltage/Current
      • Map ND_Veto Measured Voltage/Current
      • Map ND_N4 Measure Voltage/Current
      • Map ND_N3 Measure Voltage/Current
      • Map ND_N2 Measure Voltage/Current
      • Map ND_N1 Measure Voltage/Current
  10. Halog left arm and right arm VDC efficiency plots once a shift
  11. Do Compton monitoring
  12. Look at Replays (See below)
  13. Update QuasiElastic Run Database
    • Go to /adaq/e05102/scripts
    • Run ./
      • It will tell you what command line options are available


Run show_all(<run number>) script after shift worker finishes a replay. It will pop up a set of plots for expert, which would take ~10min to check through.

  • If the replay number is less than 20000, the analysis is for LHRS and BigBite.
  • If the replay number is greater than 20000, the analysis is for RHRS and Neutron Detector.
    • Be sure to run show_all(<run number>) for each.
  • Once per left HRS kinematic, do a full physics replay / replay_phys_L(run#,-1)
    • When prompted change the root file name from the default, so as not to overwrite the online physics replay root file:
  e.g., ROOTfiles/e06014_phys_L_[run#]_full.root
  • Please post the "PID Detectors (Good Electrons)" page into the Halog indicating the number of good electrons from the replayed run.

A list of minimum check items : (Item / related online plots)

  1. Check left-HRS VDC efficiency / online("detectorL",run#)
  2. Check left-HRS VDC time / online("detectorL",run#)
  3. Check BB chamber wire map / online("detectorBB",run#)
  4. Check BB shower vs preshower ADC plot, threshold not changed / online("physics",run#)
  5. Check scaler consistency / online("scalar",run#)
  6. Spot++ / {{pass|equavlent plots (raster current, BPMs) are included in online("detectorL

Hint : You can try to do_all() the golden run to find out what a normal plots should look like

A list of known problems / possible bad runs

  1. BB chamber HV not on all the time.
  2. Left-arm VDC gas problem, low efficiency.
  3. Left-arm TDC shifts, symptom is current run and golden run shows significant difference in TDC times.

Auxiliary DAQs

  1. Stop and start the HAPPEX DAQ roughly every four hours. These are run through a VNC connection to the Compton machine. Currently you can access this through the HACSBC2 workspace on adaql6.

If you can't find a VNC viewer open, or if it has crashed (usually with an error message saying the RECT is too large), you can open a new VNC viewer on any workspace with the command

   vncviewer -Shared -via apar@adaql3 :7

The password is the same as the password for the adaq account. There is no username.


In the VNC window, this runcontrol window is in the workspace labeled "HAPPEX CODA" -- second column, bottom row. We are running in the "Spring09" configuration.

  1. General info
  2. Getting started
  3. Troubleshooting

Helpful Resources