Friday, April 22, 12:00 PM EDT - 1:30 PM EDT

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  1. Minutes of 3/30/2011 Meeting (Mark)
    1. Minutes of the 3/30/2011 meeting are at Wednesday, March 30, 10:00 AM EDT. Hopefully they can serve as a list of reminders of discussion points as the sub-groups begin their work.
  2. Brief Beam Monitoring update (Mark)
    • Until May 13 (end of Qweak run) majority of effort will be to continue to understand Qweak BCM issues (still occasionally puzzling) with focus on any useful diagnostics tests we can do while we still have beam
    • Kent Paschke's student (Emmanouil Kargiantoulakis) will be able to combine Qweak 960 Hz data to determine BCM double differences at 30 Hz for comparison to our previous 30 Hz experience (per KK's suggestion)
  3. Brief Tracking update (Mark for David A.)
    • After brief exchange with David, it seems a good next step is for Nilanga and David to have a discussion to get an estimate of how much it might cost to equip all three tracking layers with GEMs.
  4. Detector CAD work presentation (KK)
    • Presentation: [1]
  5. Next meeting, email lists
    • Unless there are objections, Mark will try to establish three separate JLAB mailing lists (moller_beammon, moller_tracking, and moller_intdet) for email discussions among the working groups.
    • Next meeting? week of May 23 - 27 (allows some time after JLAB running schedule ends on May 13)?
    • Action item for sub-group leaders before next meeting: establish communications with subgroup via relevant email list and prepare a list of goals for work over the summer, determine what tools (CAD, simulations, etc.) are needed to proceed, and (if possible) have an initial list of volunteers to work on the topics.


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