Jun 17, 2018

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Moller ELog

Agenda: Onsite update: Simona

Commissioning run plan: Don [1]

Simulation update: Eric

Connection details:

Meeting URL https://bluejeans.com/388466836

Meeting ID 388 466 836

US toll free phone 1.888.240.2560

Dial in, type in the meeting ID and then press ##


Simona says everything is ready for data taking. Survey results handed to Sanghwa who will give a few slides on her findings when complete but an initial look appears that much of the asymmetric alignment is now gone. New PMTs installed and working on scintillator paddles. Simona suggests running with them on again. Should not affect data since we can consider software triggers where they are included or excluded.

Eric was absent, but sent slides that investigated among other things the effect of turning off the top row of PMTs in the detector. We decided to wait to discuss his slides until he is present.

Bill showed three different optics configurations we could use with 1,2 and 3 quad solutions. Our default is the 3 quad solution.

Looked at our updated run plan. We agree that it will be difficult to get into production running without a minimum of 2 shifts.