Punch Through Points

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Determination of Punch through points

In order to determine the punch through points for the HAND's scintillators we find for each scintillator which scintillator in the preceding layer is located in the optical line to the target. The geometrical structure is hardcoded into the script. The distance from the target should be changed in the script. In addition we can have some offset in the x direction. This offset is needed if we want to cover all HAND with elastic events from H. Even in the case of 15 meters awat from the target, we don't cover all bars and thus we should do it in two diferent heights.

Determination of the punch through point is made by user. The script is displaying the dE/E structure on the screen and by clicking on the desired position the user determine the puch through point. This procedure done for left and right seperatly.

These scripts generate two files.

  1. punch_through_left_[layer number].dat
  2. L[layer number]_adc.dat

First one is needed for the display_punch.C script. This script is presenting all points that the user chose. Second is needed by the script for HV-adjustment. (Pay attention! ALL layer must be done separetly and after it combined in a single dat file for HV-adjustment.)

In addition there is some automatic (and not efficient) script for the punch through points determination.