TDIS Bi-monthly meeting, 2023 Apr 27

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  • Aruni: report about BONuS rates
  • ALL: Jeopardy report


Present: Ed, Rachel, Eric C., Aruni, Arun, Huong, Dipangkar, Bogdan, Carlos

  • Aruni: presented her last analysis of proton rates from BONuS data. It was suggested to include the current of each run. Also presented the status of the HV card.
  • Dipangkar: Patrick will produce new F2_pi/F2_p vs x with new parameters. Dipangkar suggest getting some similar plots from the other run groups in order to prepare the case for extra time.

Organizational details

ZoomGov meeting.

Topic: TDIS biweekly meeting Time: 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


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