Winter 2016 optic plans

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Back to [Winter2016 DVCS run plan]

If you have questions call Julie Roche, Number is on white board

Integration with RHRS plan

LHRS step RHRS step Approximate beam time Goals
L1 (sieve) R1 (sieve) 14h 20 uA DIS with sieve slit on optics foils, single carbon and LH2
L2 (sieve) 3h Delta Elastic on LH2, 1 uA
L3 (no sieve) 3h Elastic on carbon (Needs A. Camsonne as sieve operator)
L1 (sieve) R1 (sieve) 8h 20 uA DIS with sieve slit on 4 cm dummy (Needs A. Camsonne as sieve operator)
R2 (no sieve) 3h Delta Elastic on LH2, 20 uA
R3 (no sieve) 1h Elastic dummy
R4 (no sieve) 1h DIS on dummy and optics
L4 (sieve) R5 (no sieve) 1h Tungsten wire

(Needs D. Mekins as wire operator)

(Needs A. Camsonne as sieve operator)

See Right HRS Optics Run Plan

One pass program

Ebeam= 2.301 GeV
LHRS θe=16.5 deg
LHRS DAQ: S2+Cer (T3), Use LHRNEW for DAQ configuration. See [section 5.2 in DVCS shift howto] for complete procedure!.  
Energy and position lock should be on.
The DVCS calorimeter HVs need to be off

==== Step L1: Procedure with Sieve-slit (DIS) ====
This part of the program is to be run in parallel with the RHRS run plan with sieve slit (Step R1)
The DVCS calorimeter HVs need to be off
P0= 1.0 [GeV/c] (DIS)
If the LHRS goes to a new higher momentum setting, Q2 and Q3 need to be cycled.
Q2= 0.19 GeV2
W=1.77 GeV

LEFT Q1 Current Q1 Estimated Rates estimated time actual rates run number #event in the run
Target [A] detune [Hz] at 20 uA   [Hz] at 20 uA    
no raster
752.0 1.000 300 1h (or at least 100k events)      
Optics 643.7 0.856 300 1h (or at least 100k events)      
Optics 559.5 0.744 300 1h (or at least 100k events)      
Optics 470.0 0.625 300 1h (or at least 100k events)      
4 cm Dummy
1 by 1 raster
752.0 1.000 160 45min (or at least 45k events)      
4 cm Dummy 643.7 0.856 160 45min (or at least 45k events)      
4 cm Dummy 559.5 0.744 160 45min (or at least 45k events)      
4 cm Dummy 470.0 0.625 160 45min (or at least 45k events)      
C single foils
no raster
752.0 1.000 60 20 min (or at least 72k)      
C single foils 643.7 0.856 60 20 min (or at least 72k)      
C single foils 559.5 0.744 60 20 min (or at least 72k)      
C single foils 470.0 0.625 60 20 min (or at least 72k)      
15 cm LH2
2 by 2 raster
752.0 1.000 780 20 min (or at least 72k)      
15 cm LH2 643.7 0.856 780 20 min (or at least 72k)      
15 cm LH2 559.5 0.744 780 20 min (or at least 72k)      
15 cm LH2 470.0 0.625 780 20 min (or at least 72k)      

==== Step L2: Delta Scan with Proton Elastic (sieve) ====

The DVCS calorimeter HVs need to be off

If the LHRS goes to a higher momentum setting, Q2 and Q3 need to be cycled.  

LHRS θe=16.5 deg
Rate: 13.3 kHz at 20 μA (taking into account the sieve). Electron rates only.
We are going to need to take these data at about 1 μA.
Run duration about 10 minutes each (we want at least 10k events).

Target: 15cm LH2
k' [GeV] LQ1 Current [A] Q1 detune Delta P [%] run number number of trigger
2.184 1642.4 1 1.04    
2.184 1405.9 0.856 1.04    
2.184 1221.9 0.744 1.04    
2.184 1026.5 0.625 1.04    
2.142 1610.8 1 1.02    
2.142 1378.8 0.856 1.02    
2.142 1198.4 0.744 1.02    
2.142 1006.7 0.625 1.02    
2.100 1579.2 1 1.00    
2.100 1351.8 0.856 1.00    
2.100 1174.9 0.744 1.00    
2.100 987.0 0.625 1.00    
2.058 1547.6 1 0.98    
2.058 1324.8 0.856 0.98    
2.058 1151.4 0.744 0.98    
2.058 967.3 0.625 0.98    
2.016 1516.0 1 0.96    
2.016 1297.7 0.856 0.96    
2.016 1127.9 0.744 0.96    
2.016 947.5 0.625 0.96    


==== Step L3: Carbon elastic ( no sieve) ====
A. Camsonne needs to be called to remove the sieve at the beginning to the program.

The DVCS calorimeter HVs need to be off
If the LHRS goes to a higher momentum setting, Q2 and Q3 need to be cycled.  
P0= 2.281 [GeV/c] (super-elastic)
Estimated rate: 0.7 Hz at 20 μ Single Carbon foil or Optics target.
No raster 3 hours.

==== Step L4: Tungsten wire ====
This part of the program is to be run in parallel with the RHRS run plan (Step R5)

The DVCS calorimeter HVs need to be off

If the LHRS goes to a new higher momentum setting, Q2 and Q3 need to be cycled.  

k' [GeV] LQ1 Current [A] Q1 detune Delta P [%] run number number of trigger
Target: Carbon single foil
1 752 1.00 n/A (DIS)
Tungsten wire
1 752 1.00 n/A (DIS)

Two passes program

Ebeam= 4.557 GeV, negative polarity
LHRS θe=38.04 deg
LHRS DAQ: S2+Cer (T3), Use LHRNEW for DAQ configuration. See [section 5.2 in DVCS shift howto] for complete procedure!.

  • Optics target
    When going up in momentum, Q2 and Q3 need to be cycled, Q1 doesn't need to be cycled.
    Set p0=1 GeV. Q2, Q3 and the dipole need to be momentum regulated. Take Q1 off the regulation.
    5 optics foils target.
    5 u A unrastered (if the rates are too high use rescales or decrease the current). Take 100 k events at :
    • Q1= 1672.4 A (tuned)
    • Q1= 1605.5 A (96%)
    • Q1= 1455.0 A (87%)
    • Q1= 1254.3 A (75%)
    • Q1= 1087.1 A (65%)
  • Delta Scan
    When going up in momentum, Q2 and Q3 need to be cycled, Q1 doesn't need to be cycled.
    Set p0=2.224 GeV. Q2, Q3 and the dipole need to be momentum regulated. Take Q1 off the regulation.
    20 uA rastered.
    I expect about 100 Hz at 20 uA.
    delta  p0 [GeV] Q1 detune Q1 current (A)
    1.04 2.313 1 1739.3
    1.04 2.313 0.96 1669.8
    1.04 2.313 0.87 1513.2
    1.04 2.313 0.75 1304.5
    1.04 2.313 0.67 1165.4
    1.02 2.268 1 1705.9
    1.02 2.268 0.96 1637.7
    1.02 2.268 0.87 1484.1
    1.02 2.268 0.75 1279.4
    1.02 2.268 0.67 1143.0
    1 2.224 1 1672.4
    1 2.224 0.96 1605.6
    1 2.224 0.87 1455.0
    1 2.224 0.75 1254.3
    1 2.224 0.67 1120.5
    0.98 2.180 1 1639.0
    0.98 2.180 0.96 1573.4
    0.98 2.180 0.87 1425.9
    0.98 2.180 0.75 1229.2
    0.98 2.180 0.67 1098.1
    0.96 2.135 1 1605.6
    0.96 2.135 0.96 1541.3
    0.96 2.135 0.87 1396.8
    0.96 2.135 0.75 1204.2
    0.96 2.135 0.67 1075.7