TDIS Bi-monthly meeting, 2023 Mar 09

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Back to Tagged DIS run group >> Bi-monthly TDIS meetings

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  • Jeopardy status at PAC51


  • Present: Dipangkar, Aruni, Ed, Bogdan, Thia, Rachel, Paul
  • Excused: Eric C.
  • Thia presented a slide as starting point to present advances to the Jeopardy case to PAC 51
    • Dipangkar asked if the Jeopardy presentation has to be a physics or technical case (or both), and if it will be necessary a new TAC. Thia answered that it will be a new TAC, since there are new members on it.
    • Rachel asked the Jeopardy rules and if there is a charter for it. She was informed that a document is suggested, but a presentation mandatory.
  • It was decided to open an Overleaf document to start to compile the information. Carlos suggested to make use of the conditional report as source for several points.

Organizational details

ZoomGov meeting.

Topic: TDIS biweekly meeting Time: 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


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