TDIS Bi-monthly meeting, 2024 Jan 5

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Present: Eric F., Aruni, Dipangkar, Eric C., Ed, Huong, Carlos

Excused: Narbe

  • Dipangkar. Immediate plans for the project:
    • Finish the magnet studies. The preliminary simulations show that high fields are not necessary. The energy deposited within the mTPC region is independent of the field. This was also the finding from John Annand's simulations completed in 2015. Once this is confirmed we will request Bogdan to design the new lower field magnet with a larger aperture.
    • Eric C. will continue testing the prototype at JLab, making use of cosmics and will provide data to the tracking group to help customize and test the tracking algorithm. It was suggested the use of radioactive sources as Sr90, but Eric C. thinks that the cover layer is too thick for source testing. Once Eric is done testing, further tests with an X-ray source will be conducted at UVa. The prototype tests have restarted but will have to move to EEL126 as the ARC building will be renovated.
    • Once the 'square' prototype is understood, the work on a cylindrical prototype will commence. Eric has already made preliminary sketches for the cylindrical design. Huong will also help with this task using the knowledge gained from her recent visit to the INFN lab which is building a cylindrical detector using u-R-well technology. The design of the cylindrical prototype is most likely to happen after summer.
    • The most important effort will be the final development of the track finder, which is the main concern for the release of the conditional approval. Ole Hansen has recently joined this effort and will help adapt Steve Wood's toy algorithm for this task. In parallel the LBNL group (Shujie) will investigate the tracker currently being used in the sPHENIX TPC and help incorporate any useful features.
    • Once the track finder development is sufficiently advanced we will call for the review of the experiment to get full approval. This will involve several presentations to the committee responding to the final set of questions generated by our previous written document. We hope to schedule this review around May 2024, contingent on the progress with the tracking.
  • Eric F. showed his last results from the simulations (slides attached above). Eric thinks that the reason of high statistics in the inner parts of the mTPC is due to the interaction of the beam with air in the 5m length before the target. Eric will run the simulation with beam in a vacuum (before target) to verify this hypothesis.

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